The Showdown: Past versus Future

Adjust Your Sails
16 min readNov 19, 2020

I’ve been putting this post off after saying I would do it because honestly my emotional foundations have been being tested to the limit. If you follow me regularly you’re aware that last month during the Mercury Uranus opposition my family experienced a lot of misfortune, from Covid to death.

Well, yesterday was the third and final opposition, and me and my kids have to quarantine again because of potential Covid exposure. The one thing I am not is constant love and light. I have braved and faced some of the worst darkness you can imagine just to figure it out and understand it. It’s in my chart that I have sympathy for good and the evil alike.

It’s not that I enjoy the shadow. It’s just that I understand the shadow isn’t as personal as it feels. For a long time I allowed this understanding and sympathy to become enabling. Thankfully, I am now aware that because I understand something or someone it doesn’t mean I have to enable their behavior or the pain they cause me because they refuse to heal.

You cannot save other people. You will never love them enough, give up enough, set aside enough of your own dreams to heal them. We each have to choose our own healing. So often we spend many years seeking to feel loved and validated through other broken people, wondering why it only ever leaves us more broken. Only you have true access to…



Adjust Your Sails

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd