The Edge of Reality: Full Moon Pisces Eclipse
There is an astrologer I follow and subscribe to for his horoscopes. It’s not often I am able to invest, but this $11.11 a month is more than worth it. If you can’t subscribe to him I highly encourage you to at least follow him on Facebook. Something he said today really got me thinking.
He talked about The Truman Show and how Jim Carey’s character tried to escape on a boat and hit a wall. Remember, as this Full Moon Eclipse takes place it sextiles Pluto, currently resting at 29 Capricorn. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and is currently in Pisces. Flow versus structure.
If you’ve never watched the movie, Jim Carey plays this character whose entire life has been carefully controlled. Right now Pluto’s last dance in Capricorn is showing us what his character realized all that time ago. Reality as we know it has been fabricated. The revealing of this has been happening since 2008, and it’s time to recognize the truth.
When the character figures it all out he tries to escape into what he thinks is the open sea. Only to find himself at the edge of his world, and to collide with a painted sky wall. This speaks to the limits of constructed reality, as Ang pointed out. Everything you’ve trusted and believed in is an illusion.
He speaks of this feeling being a mirror for what we are going to feel during this Full Moon Eclipse. We have always navigated the world we thought was real. One that was created or fabricated for us. Taught to be structured and predictable like Virgo, Pisces’ opposition. Keep in mind, come January 2025 the nodes move into Virgo and Pisces.
This Eclipse is the beginning of mass awakening to the fact that we stand at the edge of illusion. And just like the character in the movie, we are going to hit a wall. I think the reason this particular post struck me is I’ve been speaking so much about releasing control you never had anyway. And that is the greatest lesson of this eclipse.
And as Ang says, “…many of us are about to hit the wall, realising the boundaries of our control and efficiency, forced to confront the vast unknown beyond — the realm of Pisces, where logic fails, deeper truths begin to emerge, and the future, what lies beyond the wall, is vastly unknown.”
I know it can seem scary and I am not here to tell you to say there is nothing to fear. I am here to say I want you to face your fears. And for many of us the greatest fear we have is of the unknown. We will stay in the most uncomfortable, unsafe spaces to cling to what is familiar and predictable.
As you start this journey to healing and becoming evolved versions of yourself there will be tests. My goal is to be an influencer of alignment to your next best version of self. This means that I am going to encounter people who are not currently living their best version of self.
Think about that a moment. If your goal is to uplift and inspire people why on earth would you run into people already uplifted and inspired? Of course your inner circle will be uplifting and inspiring because you will cultivate that truth. But you can’t help people already on your level.
This blog isn’t just for women, but a lot of what I say is going to be geared toward women because we are historically oppressed; even in philosophy. One reason I stopped wasting my time on opinions that don’t allow for nuance is it is a ploy tactic.
It is a scheme to get you to stop focusing on the larger picture altogether, and to stop more realization from taking place. Of course there are exceptions to the rule, but we’re talking about the rule.
It’s often said that men are logical and women are emotional. But then tell me why it’s often men doing the most irrational things? Like it or not Pluto in Capricorn has exposed the Patriarchy, and once he is in Aquarius for good, it’s time for the collective to work together to build something fairer and most just for the world to sample.
This Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces is a culmination of what we’ve learned from Capitalism and it’s attempt to normalize a fabricated reality that says we have to work ourselves to death to be enough, to survive, to be seen as worthy in the eyes of those who may judge us.
I’ve written about imposter syndrome so much, and the truth is women are the ones more likely to feel like imposters. The National Institute of Health defines imposter syndrome as a “behavioral health phenomenon described as self-doubt of intellect, skills, or accomplishments among high-achieving individuals.” Women are more prone to doubt themselves because from birth we are taught we are the lesser vessel.
Philosophy was gate-kept for years by privileged white men. Men who taught the world in various schools of thought that women shouldn’t have a voice. Women have had more obstacles and biases at their feet than men could ever dream of.
Women are more likely to never feel good enough because there are so many contradictory expectations we are told we have to live up to, and they are impossible. They cause us to have to set our own dreams aside. I’m going to quote Caylee Cresta here:
Statement Made:
“Well listen to you whining about societal expectations. Because heaven forbid society expects anything from women at all.”
Caylee’s Response:
“Oh, don’t worry, society expects plenty from women. We are expected to age gracefully, but never let ourselves go. Work like we don’t have children, and parent like we have no job. They call the stay at home mother unfulfilled, but the working mother selfish, all while childless women are considered incomplete.
Go chase that career, but never at the expense of your family. Think like a man if you want to be successful, but don’t act like one if you want to be liked. We’re supposed to mother our husbands, but never treat them like children. To put out on demand, but demand respect.
Married and miserable is better than single and happy. Don’t stay with an abusive man, but never break up your family. Don’t marry a bum for love, but stay with a successful man for security. Don’t be dependent on a man for money, but don’t emasculate them by earning more.
They’ll tell us to embrace our sexuality, but have some self-respect. To care about our appearance, but stop looking for attention. Just say no, but let him down easy. Be aware of your surroundings, but stop being so dramatic. Practice self-love, but don’t love yourself too much.
Dream big, but stay small, and would you like me to keep going?”
The world has been fabricated to us as a man’s world. And now they are hitting a wall. Because women got tired of that world, and so have a lot of men when they are honest. Women learning to become independent and thrive means a man can no longer convince her to tolerate emotional disconnection or abuse for financial security.
It’s not easy to constantly stuff feelings aside to pretend you don’t have them, and that is the reason they do irrational things more often. It’s not that they don’t feel. They’re taught they aren’t supposed to. The fabrication has hurt us all. Why do you think men commit suicide at higher rates?
This Eclipse is a culmination of the religions and spiritual philosophies that have historically oppressed women. The religious right likes to preach self-control, but they don’t have it. They do not understand the first thing about what it means to control yourself emotionally. They are irrational.
The question I want you to ask yourself is this: Are you going to be slave to obligation and rules, or a servant of your own soul? This Eclipse is in the last sign of the zodiac. Where we weave stories from all the signs that came before it. Where we are meant to see the beauty of the unknown.
However, Jupiter is the ruler of this Eclipse and is in fall in Gemini. What is the lesson here? Well, it’s being able to understand that every single life is sacred and deserving, but if that life is incapable of seeing it for themselves you are not obligated to convince them beyond your self-respect.
During this Eclipse there is a lot more happening in the sky that needs our awareness. Mercury, now direct, at 14 degrees of Virgo is going to oppose Saturn, retrograde (Rx), at 14 Pisces. This is right on Moon. To top that off the Eclipse itself is in close proximity to conjunction with Neptune.
Back with the Eclipse in Aries you sowed new seeds. Now you’re being asked to slow down a moment and take a look at those crops. Is it time to pull some weeds? To release some illusions of grandeur? To stop doubting the path you know you’re meant to take because your insecurity is telling you that you should please and cater to everyone else?
Mercury opposing Saturn has a glaring message. If you remain stuck in the world of the practical nothing impractical has room to manifest. If you’re constantly serving others at your own expense your manifestations will remain blocked and in the vortex of the unfulfilled wishes we leave behind.
Moving forward don’t be disciplined in your approach. Be devoted. Don’t eat good because you’re disciplined and convince yourself it’s hard. Eat well because you’re devoted to a body you love and appreciate. Don’t move your body and exercise in a disciplined fashion that forces you to be hard on yourself. Become devoted to intuitively moving the body you love.
And maybe that’s another message of Saturn, the taskmaster, sitting in Pisces. I have Saturn conjunct the Moon in Virgo. So while this Mercury Saturn opposition touches my Moon directly, it is also very close to my personal Saturn placement. And perhaps that’s where this new idea of Saturn in Pisces is coming from.
Saturn doesn’t necessarily reflect discipline. He can represent devotion. The fabricated reality states that we must be disciplined and deny ourselves pleasures to see success. The truth is devotion is superior to discipline. And you develop devotion by sitting in silence with your higher self. Through processes like journaling and meditation.
If you simply become devoted to your higher self the rest will come in time. Instead the fabricated world offers us nothing but scattered energy. Saturn in Pisces is not focused on small details we get wrong. He is showing us the karmic, larger picture, and what happens when we self-sacrifice.
When we keep ignoring our soul and calling we are weakened. We become destabilized and unsure of where we fit. So we morph, we mask, we flow, but in all the wrong ways. Instead of flowing as ourselves in all environments we morph into whatever we think that environment expects.
The truth is in all things we are responsible for the things we think, which become things we believe, which becomes beliefs we act on. We must choose wisely if we hope to create a better experience. I am devoted to creating a better life. One I once only dreamed of living.
But in order to do that I must be devoted to connecting with my higher self and making my current self uncomfortable in order to create the new. Which brings me to the fact that this Eclipse is in sextile to Uranus in Taurus, too, who is trine Pluto in Capricorn.
Here is a simple example. For several weeks I have been devoted to prepping my meals and eating better. I did not say I was perfect with this plan. Only that I am devoted. Even last weekend, with no time to prep, I stopped and got healthier cans of soup for lunch, so that I had no excuse.
Soup isn’t on the list of preferred foods for me, but I was devoted to eating better. And those cans of soups were better than take out. It was better than a sandwich and chips. Your devotion doesn’t require detailed perfection. And with consistency you will perfect it as it go.
We want our transformations to be strong. To be strong and bring us a sense of security. But in order for that to happen we have to use the tools we have in the present moment that will create that better future. We have to be willing to accept where we are with gratitude, while devoting ourselves to getting where we would rather be.
Another astrologer I listen to is Adam Elenbaas. In fact, his courses have helped me a ton. He recently put out a video about the Venus trine to Jupiter, which is separating just as we hit the Eclipse. The reason I want to talk about this is because it’s a precursor of the energy leading us into the Full Moon Eclipse on September 17th.
When you arrive home at the end of your day how do you feel? Is there a release from the troubles of the world? Is there some sense of safety, connection, and pleasure? Are you able to relax and enjoy yourself? Have you set yourself up for that yet or do you still have work to do here?
Over the next few days beneficial people and opportunities could present themselves to you, but it may require you sacrifice something in your current life. The answer will be easy if you’re attuned to yourself. The answer is never let what you sacrifice be yourself, your goals, your dreams.
As Adamn states, leading up to this Eclipse you could be inspired, social, communicating all sorts of exciting ideas. But then you realize suddenly, as the Eclipse approaches, that there are some heavy decisions to be made. There are implications to what is to come.
During this trine Venus is in her own sign, and in the bounds of Jupiter. So she is now obligated to give something to Jupiter. Adam states it as she has to provide something for Jupiter FROM Jupiter. And while Venus is feeling obligated to Jupiter this is the time I want you to stop and think. Because Jupiter is currently in detriment.
Venus is relationships and Jupiter is the higher knowledge that the patriarchy says comes from men. Jupiter can represent a husband. So is what you’re giving to others coming from a genuine space, or are you in situations where obligation and duty influence you?
With Mars in fall in Cancer, and in square to the Nodes, where are you still reacting from emotional coercion? Where are you still allowing the perception and opinions of others to dictate how you show up? Mars in Cancer can see us facing the truth of family karma and generational cycles.
Where are you still confident you can do it all, while failing to ever get it all done? Let me read your chart for you. I am currently offering donation based readings. Email me at
I received this email today:

I am so honored when those of you I read for reach out for further readings. I continue on always because my validation comes from the self, but when you live that way the external validation comes, and you don’t have to mistrust it because you weren’t dependent on it. ❤
Here are some other reviews I’ve had:
“I’ve been following Katrina’s work for 2 years and was delighted to be able to talk with her and have a chart reading in July. Just by reading Katrina’s work I feel empowered and our meeting built upon this.
It often takes a little time for me to digest themes concerning the ethereal, the mind, body and spirit and I often can’t find the words for my feelings. At the time of seeking an appointment with Katrina I was feeling life’s challenges, but unsure of what was causing these challenges and I even thought they were related to some entirely different matter.
Katrina delivered words that resonated with certain feelings through her detailed reading of the sky. Potential sources of my difficulties were revealed. These realizations were met with strategies on how I can navigate these periods, allowing me to relax into this time and let go of fears relating to the unknown.
Overall our meeting reminded me of a part of myself I was neglecting. As I sometimes allow external sources to determine my self-worth. Katrina’s reading was invaluable as the energies of this time renew the foundations of what it means to be in relationship with others. It’s time for me to reclaim my voice.
I also found with the stage I’m at in my life, Katrina’s ability to be vulnerable was especially helpful. She was also thorough in explaining specific astrological terms. Thank you so much!”
Warmest wishes,
Sam ❤“
“Katrina, thank you so much for this reading (1 of many). I feel like you know my life. Lol The way you broke everything down, going through each house just wow. I would look at my chart and not really understand it. This reading has answered so many questions. I loved your reading and will be recommending you to everyone!
Feel free to copy and paste this, as I don’t have FB to leave you an outstanding review. I would also like to book a Saturn Return reading (via phone). I just really wanted a written version of my natal chart. Please let me know what dates work for you.
Have a beautiful night,
“I just wanted to leave a quick testimonial, as I had a chart reading from Katrina today, and it was AMAZING!. We went through my natal chart, transits, and progressed chart, and I will say this one of the clearest and most cohesive readings I have had for a Tropical astrology chart reading.
I truly appreciated the care Katrina had with my chart and my story, cause a chart tells your life story. Her explanations are also teachings, so if you’re new to astrology you are in good hands, as Katrina can break down all the terms that are thrown around online, so you can follow along with the story your own chart is laying out.
I have a basic knowledge of astrology, and listening to Katrina explain my chart and transits also taught me so much more about astrology overall. It was empowering in a way in which I appreciate.
So, if you’re interested I recommend a natal chart reading to get a good foundation, and then get into the other aspects of your chart to get to know yourself even more deeply and intimately. You won’t regret it!
And thank you, again, Katrina!”
“Thank you so much for doing this, Katrina! You were able to tap into both our energies at this time. Fantastic gift you have!
Thanks again, Cheers, Winston”
“I had a birth chart done and everything was described in so much detail. The accuracy shook me to my core. There were so many aspects you went into, and you left nothing out. Definitely felt like a personal and deep vibe while reading the results. I learned a lot about who I am and why I am the way I am, too. It was a beautiful and very real experience.”
Life-affirming. She’s gifted.
After coming across one of Serendipity’s Tweets, I immediately recognized that she was a different kind of astrologer. I reached out and requested a reading, to which she graciously obliged. She kept me in the loop and set realistic expectations for the delivery date, and it arrived as described and right on time.
When I received my reading, I found myself highlighting and bookmarking several passages throughout. I even shared portions of it with the people who know me best- my mother and my partner. Accuracy aside, what struck me was how “down-to-Earth” it was.
Though it introduced me to new terms like Chiron and trine, it was largely written in plain English. She also annotated throughout with helpful commentary and suggestions.
If you are in transition, feeling lost, or just want to learn more about your choices, past and present, don’t wait- request your reading today!”
UPDATE December 2022: Camille is now a consultant helping me reach new goals! It is so humbling to have all of you believe in me. ❤
I love what I do here. I wish I could do it full-time. That day will come. My heart is to help women become emotionally dependent on themselves, so they stop settling for men who belittle them for having emotions. To get all people to take accountability for what they project onto others.
Knowing my chart and human design has changed the entire game for me. Risks I am terrified to take are easier if I see the charts or transits. To be able to offer someone else that sort of knowing is truly an honor. ❤
If you’re not ready for a reading, but would like to tip what I do it is appreciated and will make it’s way back to you a hundredfold:
Cashapp: $Kdoxsie
Venmo: $Kdoxsie213
Chime: $Katrina-Doxsie
Namaste, my loves. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤