Smoke and Mirrors: May 13–19

Adjust Your Sails
7 min readMay 13, 2024


I did a part one, so to speak, on TikTok. I love the quote above because it’s precisely what I spoke about. This blog will be uploaded as an audio to TikTok as well. Follow me there! A regulated nervous system is not always calm. Sometimes it’s you growing you ability to tolerate chaos. ❤

Book a reading with me! ❤ ❤ ❤

We have arrived at May 13th through the 19th. Let’s talk about it…

Monday is ruled by the Moon:

On Monday, May 13th, the Moon is going to ingress into Leo where she will oppose Pluto in Aquarius, and we will see the Sun dance with Uranus. Immediately we start the week off in an electrifying way. What does it mean when the Moon is in Leo on a day she rules?

Well, it means our emotions are tied to being good enough. That we value praise and recognition. With Pluto being in Aquarius the skeletons coming out of the closet mostly have to do with other people. So perhaps this opposition is others not validating you, not making you feel good enough.

But is this the reality, or just triggers taking you down the wrong road? I love the Sun and Uranus conjunct in Taurus. Your ego gets an extraordinary breakthrough today. You know you have a message to share that is authentic and so full of integrity, now to figure out how to leave your comfort zone and speak through the fear and dysregulation.

I think most of us go around everyday just wanting to be enough. We want someone to choose us over everyone else at all times. But the world we live in, and the fact others are human, too, makes that a silly goal to have. Better that we spend time convincing ourselves we are enough, so that we choose to be around others who make us feel like enough, too.

Who are you trying to impress? People you aren’t even sure you like? If you feel like an imposter or not good enough pause. Listen to your body, move it, meet your past versions where they are at. Regulate your nervous system so that you can move forward in spite of the dysregulation and fear.


Tuesday is ruled by Mars:

On Tuesday, May 14th, the Moon is still in Leo and she will trine Mars in Aries. I love this because I feel like we are making authentic strides forward on Tuesday. Our emotions are tied to this idea we are meant to be seen and recognized. So we take a step forward and risk vulnerability.

Then the Moon in Leo squares Venus in Taurus. This could mean that the recognition we were seeking doesn’t come. While we are courageous and motivated to move forward, all that glitters is not gold. Are you doing what you’re doing from the heart, or for the optics you hope to create?

Mars is demanding a bit of integrity today, and that may require you to have to risk alienating the crowd. And this will require you to regulate the nervous system because you may be terrified that by moving forward you will somehow be abandoned by everyone you love.


Wednesday is ruled by Mercury:

On Wednesday, May 15th, Mercury will move into Taurus. Where our thoughts and communication are on our material wealth, the safety, security, and stability we have or would like to acquire. With that being said, the Moon is still in Leo part of the day.

She is going to square Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus before she moves into Virgo and trines Mercury in Taurus. So initially I feel the conversations or thoughts around the security and safety you have are coming from a space of lack or fear. You may get difficult or unexpected news that requires you to did deep into the recesses of your soul for faith and trust.

But before the day is over it works itself out. The tension is really your resistance to the changes that need to be made. The cost of everything is forcing us to become innovative and creative. One astrologer I follow said that Wednesday is the start of fuck around and find out.

If others are fucking around, pause before you respond. You can say true things in kind ways. Remind yourself what others say and do are not personal attacks on you. All of life is a projection. Make yours intentional.


Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter:

Jupiter isn’t doing much today, but soon he will enter a Cazimi and be reborn. I would say that the underlying message for today is to keep the faith. Keep rooted and grounded in an abundant mindset at all costs.

This may require you to regulate the nervous system. Because all day the Moon is in Virgo. So we are emotionally attached to the details. We want things to be perfect in order to feel good enough. We may have to sit in discomfort and remind ourselves that we are worthy at all stages.

The Moon is steadily approaching this opposition to Saturn in Pisces. So while we feel this looming pressure to create perfect structures in our lives, there is the ability to also become mature and accept imperfection. There is such a thing as good enough.


Fridays are ruled by Venus:

Today we are breaking through stagnant energy. The Moon opposed Saturn really early in the morning, but now she is trine Venus. She will also trine Uranus and Jupiter. So we are feeling emotionally stronger. It’s not that everything is magically working out as Mercury squares Pluto. It’s more that we’ve decided that even during the chaos we want to be the peace.

I would schedule something fun into Friday. Some sort of date night that is on a whim or a surprise. The caution here is you may overthink things. It’s a very good day to practice somatic techniques and ground into your body.

Ultimately you know what needs to be done, but you may remain defiant in the face of change today. However, sometimes being stubborn is what actually pays off. So are you being stubborn because you know something better is coming, or just for the sake of it?


Saturdays are ruled by Saturn:

Saturn is not doing much today, but there is this background energy of creating what we want within first. And then the Moon in Virgo will oppose Neptune. This is a great time to go within and visualize. Because next she moves into Libra, where we become emotionally tied to our connections.

While in Libra she is going to trine Pluto in Aquarius. This feels like our connections are in a good space. Like all parties are being diplomatic and thinking of the greater good of all. And then Venus conjoins Uranus, as Jupiter goes full Cazimi.

Wow what a powerful day!

It’s a good day to regulate when you think you want all the answers. Let some things just be what they are. Stop needing an explanation for everything. There is pleasure to be found in empowering others. Your relationships are electrifying. Go out and have a great time. Today you may feel a massive shift in the energy, but be prepared for tomorrow.


Sundays are ruled by the Sun:

The Sun just danced with Jupiter renewing our sense of faith and higher principles. You are being called to do something more. It may be something you do not want to do, and you feel like your energy is simply depleted at the moment. You’re being called to a higher ethical standard.

The Moon remains in Libra where she opposes Mars. She will then conjunct the South Node and oppose the North Node, as Mars joins the North Node for a dance. This is sink or swim type energy. Mars and the North Node are an aggressive hunger, but the Moon and South Node demand a softer approach.

It’s okay to push yourself, but do not overdo it. It’s a good day to really be in tune with your body because it’s easy to lose sight of. Others may push you to do, do, do, and go, go, go, but it’s up to you to know your limits. This is physical injury energy, so don’t be overly cautious, but don’t over-risk.

Conscious regulation may be necessary. Deep breathing, movement, cold plunges, tapping, vagus nerve exercises, massage, whatever is going to work for you to keep you tapped into the body and the present moment. Don’t get swept away in the all the noise.

Shared from Yung Pueblo’s Facebook page

If you aren’t looking for a reading right now, but would like to help support the work I do please send an energy exchanged below. Thank you to everyone who has checked on us, and supported us this far. ❤







Adjust Your Sails

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd