Signs of Strength

Inner Self Council
3 min readMay 15, 2024


I did a Storytime here:

I am asking for your help. John is the most amazing man I have ever met. He is kind, generous, respectful, romantic, and giving. Even at his sickest he would move mountains to make me comfortable. He is the first man I have ever felt safe with my entire life. I don’t want to lose him.

We are doing everything we can to listen to doctors orders. But right now the doctors are stumped, and just keep sending him home. He’s even been through five surgeries on the fistula in his arm that I didn’t mention in the video. We’ve just been hammered and hammered.

I just started a great job today that is long-term going to bring a breath of relief to our lives, but in the current moment we are two mortgages behind. Even with this job it won’t help us cover the mortgage. Until John is feeling better he simply isn’t able to work.

This job allows me paid time off to help care for John. It’s giving me no out of pocket health insurance. It has incredible benefits. But the pay isn’t enough to keep up with all I am already paying and the house payment. John pays all his smaller bills with his disability, but that isn’t a lot.

This is where you come in. There are several ways you can opt to help us that would be so appreciated. Even if you can’t donate money or purchase a reading there are things we would appreciate just as much. Please don’t feel like any kind gesture is too small. ❤

  1. If you know him shoot him a message of support or come visit.
  2. Light a candle with healing intentions for our health and finances.
  3. Keep us in your thoughts.
  4. Purchase a reading…

5. Donate to the Go Fund Me:

6. Donate to the following:

Cashapp: $Kdoxsie

Venmo: @Katrina213

Chime: $Katrina-Doxsie

7. Let me know if you can make it to the benefit July 15th.

8. Order Scentsy:

If you can do one or more things on this list it is so appreciated. Thank you for following me all this time, and for your love and support. ❤

EDITED 05/15/24

They are quite certain the chest port itself has an infection inside of it, and this is why they weren’t picking it up on the tests. That means every so often it’s leaking infection, mold, etc into his heart valves. This is why he will go several days with no fever and suddenly spike one.

They will be removing the port tomorrow and starting him on ten weeks of antibiotics. But we are in bad shape financially and need your help if it’s possible at all. My last check from the old job is hundreds short, and my new job doesn’t pay me until May 31st and it will only be a 4 day check.

If you have it in your heart and means please consider us. Thank you so much. It means the world to have your love and support. ❤ ❤ ❤



Inner Self Council

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd