Shifting Sands: May 20th–26th

Inner Self Council
11 min readMay 20, 2024



This week we are not going to feel like doing more than simply existing for much of the time. We are going to battle deep, emotional waves. I’ve been talking for a while now about the ability to regulate your nervous system being of utmost importance. Your cannot shift your mindset if you cannot regulate the depth of the emotional pull within.

We are in a brooding mood. And the outside world will reflect the inner state. So use this week to practice building your tolerance for uncomfortable emotions. The more comfortable you get in uncomfortable states the easier it is to make the right choice, in spite of how you feel. The mind is now ready to be shifted.

There is an overall sense of nostalgia and procrastination this week. It’s like when you put off doing a chore for hours. Once you do it you realize it didn’t take long at all to get it done, and you feel so much better. It’s like knowing the shower is going to make you feel alive again, but struggling to make your way to it. We’re craving familiarity in an unfamiliar world.

I think as we pass the middle of the week things look a bit better. It’s as if this sudden jackpot win comes to save the day. You suddenly find yourself in an environment where you seem different than everyone else, and an older version of you wouldn’t have felt worthy of the experience. But here you are, taking it all in. There could be a crisis of beliefs.

We end the week understanding slow and steady is what wins the race.

This week we are going to live as if nothing bothers us. We are building a window of tolerance that supersedes all expectations. We are regulating and moving in flow. We are shedding some final skin.

Our weekly message from Spirit:

Dear you,

Human beings spend a huge percentage of their lives asleep. Not just in bed, but the kind where you forget you are a spiritual, immortal being taking on a temporary human form. It’s not your fault. Everyone suffers from spiritual amnesia once in a while.

As you develop an identity, an ego, you begin to see through the eyes of a small self, and have less connection to the soul self. You may not recognize this is going on, but you sure can feel it. We’re here to remind you to look through your soul’s eyes and see that magic is everywhere.

Infinite potential lies in Spirit, who is teaming with you to fulfill the contract you made to contribute to the evolution of the whole world. Wake up and remember that all the help you need is orchestrated in the invisible realms. Your mind, in alignment with divine intelligence, is unstoppable.

The world is yours to co-create.

Monday, May 20th:

Happy driving anniversary to me! One year ago today I passed the road test and became an officially licensed driver. It had been a huge goal and dream of mine for years. I am so grateful to John for making it happen. And now one year later my daughter has her permit, and I am teaching her how to drive. I cannot express the strange beauty of it all.

The Sun is moving into Gemini today. Please check Liz and I out over at the Grand Rising Podcast to see what we had to say about Gemini and their season. The Moon is moving into Scorpio and will square Pluto in Aquarius. So it seems information causes anxiety, fear, or insecurity.

The Sun in Gemini is our ego understanding that sometimes we don’t know it all. This is us needing to keep our mind open to information about ourselves and our own expression and behavior. The Moon in Scorpio wants to hear none of that shit.

It wants to brood in victimhood and darkness. To lurk in the shadows. The square to Pluto isn’t helping us at all. It seems whatever information comes in isn’t aligned with feeling good. It could also just be the anxious anticipation of news more so than the news itself.

Today is ruled by the Moon in Scorpio. You can easily get lost in your feelings. Do not rush the feelings away or suppress and escape them. Let them exist within you, and sit in them in non-judgment. Grow your tolerance for their presence.

Card for Monday:

The card I pulled for today is spider spirit, make your dreams real. You have a choice to wallow in the shards of the past, or to activate the present moment to create a different future. Pay attention to spiders and the number 11 or 2 on Monday. Ideas and resources can appear if you shift into a regulated space and trust the process.


Tuesday, May 21st:

The Moon is still in Scorpio and will oppose Mercury in Taurus. I feel like there is the potential for us to brood over whatever information came in Monday. There may be conversations about difficult things. I think it’s important that you don’t lose sight of what you do have.

There isn’t a whole lot else happening. It feels like an extra day to process the day before. Breathe. Do Yoga. Paint a picture. Dance in your room. Go out and spend the day in nature. Distract yourself with tangible, earthly things until you can hold space for all that is happening around you.

Today is ruled by Mars. He is in Aries fresh off a conjunction to the NN and approaching one with Chiron. It’s time to heal this distorted image of the masculine. To redefine vulnerability as real strength. Because if it were easy you wouldn’t be so vehemently opposed to it.

And we all are. You have to push past that opposition and try something new. Because what is old is no longer working, and in some cases, it never did. It was just familiar. Not comfortable, not good, just what you knew. But now you clearly know something different.

Card for Tuesday:

Two came out for Tuesday. White Raven Spirit, trust in the magic, and Bobcat spirit, life is a mystery. Trust whatever happens today because nothing on earth is random. Notice signs and patterns all around you. Trust they are leading you to the reveal of your next step.

You may see ravens or bobcats. The number 6 or 8. The number 66, 12, or 3 could be a repeat theme. When you trust in the magic and mystery you can take your eyes off the prize and just enjoy life.


Wednesday, May 22nd:

I think the brooding is starting to ease now. The Moon is still in Scorpio, but she trines Saturn in Pisces. And Saturn in Pisces is about inner discipline and alignment. She will also oppose Uranus in Taurus, while the Sun in Gemini trines Pluto in Aquarius.

I think things feel a bit easier. There is an authentic acceptance that this where we are now. We understand the outside external parts of life are created often by the inner state of our being. And when we keep choosing what is familiar, or what we want now versus what we know we need long-term, we are in perpetual discomfort.

Things may not be as bad as they appeared. And today is the day where we finally do that thing we’ve been putting off, and realize it wasn’t so bad. Took us less time to do it than we spent putting off doing it. It’s as if something shifts inside of us today and there is a click up in alignment.

Today is ruled by Mercury in Taurus. If you’re going to have conversations don’t be fixed and immovable. And if others are don’t view it as your sole duty to change their minds. Let the conversations be indulgent and about your resources, your security, and your stability.

I think we are finally ready to do more than just exist. We are done ruminating it, and ready to take action.

Card for Wednesday:

Two came out for Wednesday, too. Koala Spirit, spirit has a plan, and butterfly spirit, transformation is beautiful. You know that Scorpio is the sign of transformation and transmutation. Now is the time to swallow the fear and trust anyway. To enjoy your blossoming and coming into self.

It’s a good day to remember we don’t compete. We collaborate and move with confidence. Real confidence has zero competition, so what are you so concerned about? Let’s rise, my friends. Look for koalas and butterflies as signs. The numbers 3, 5, 1, 11, 35, and 8.


Thursday, May 23rd:

This is the day the jackpot win comes out of nowhere. We have the Moon in Scorpio opposing both Venus and Jupiter in Taurus before she moves into Sagittarius and gifts us a lovely Full Moon at 2 degrees of the sign. Venus and Jupiter will conjoin and both sextile Neptune in Pisces, and then Venus will move on to join the Sun in Gemini.

This win is going to require you to release emotional resentment, or maybe inspire you to. You’re able to look at the growth. Go ahead and indulge today. It’s been a tough week of negotiating with the part of you that likes to settle and seethe. Go big or go home Thursday is the energy.

We are ruled by Jupiter on Thursday. He is loving up on Venus and reflecting something back to the Moon. That moment where you realize it’s your own beliefs about what is happening that have contributed to the pain, but instead of making you feel worse it’s cathartic. If I’m the problem I can change or control something.

Card for Thursday:

Pig spirit, use your mind wisely. This is a day where overriding how you feel will be easier. You will be able to walk in your intellect, while still making space for how you feel. Intelligence recognizes the value of intuition, and that you need both; not one or the other.

Be open-minded and have thoughtful conversations. Look to pigs or things associated with pigs as a sign. The numbers 4, 7, 3, 12, or 47.


Friday, May 24th:

The Moon in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces while she trines Mars in Aries. This is very much you finally being ready to charge ahead, and being forced to stop and confront a belief. You may have to regulate imposter syndrome or some small anxiety.

Overall I feel you’re being courageous. I love that Fridays are ruled by Venus and she just moved into Gemini. Socialize and have fun. Sometimes Saturn in Pisces can make us believe that everything has to be serious, but I am here to tell you that the universe delights in your joy and fun.

Card for Friday:

Let it shine with peacock spirit. Be yourself today. This is a great card to come out with the astrology I wrote about today. The belief that you are worthy can be cultivated, and once you believe it there is no stopping you. You will not crave external validation, but suddenly it’s there.

You deserve to be where you are. Celebrate it. Celebrate you. Look to peacocks, and the numbers 4, 6, 1, and 10.


Saturday, May 25th:

The Moon in Sagittarius now squares off with Neptune in Pisces before she moves into her detriment, Capricorn. It’s as if suddenly the adventure and excitement turns into recognition of the work our dream requires. I like that Venus trines Pluto right before Jupiter moves into Gemini.

What has changed for you in the Taurus area of your life over the past year? For me it’s career and I just got what I call my first big girl job. Good pay, amazing benefits, and truly a gift at a time we needed the most.

There is this crisis of belief today because you know what you want, or at lease the direction you want to move in, but you’re under some illusion about it still that has to be released. There could be positive shifts for relationships today if both parties are willing to face the truth.

I will do a separate video later about Jupiter moving into Gemini because I think it warrants it’s own attention. But suffice it to say that Jupiter rules the opposite sign of Sagittarius. When in Gemini our moral, ethical compass can sometimes lack compassion. Everything can shift to this fact-based science minded projection.

That’s fine and all. But half the fun in our journey is exploring our beliefs and ideas. So make sure you don’t become an intellectual bully during moral and ethical conversations.

Today is ruled by Saturn in Pisces. So spend some time reflecting on what your internal ethics are. Create a set of values that speak to you and let living them out loud be the evidence. Don’t rush off to prove anything to anyone because all you’re trying to do in those moments is reassure you anyway. So just start where you’ll ultimately realize you need to end up.

Card for Saturday:

Giraffe, see the big picture came out for Saturday. When you start to feel the pressure of the amount of work ahead of you pause. Reflect on the bigger picture and how much energy it takes to remain stagnant where you are. Dig deeper to find the motivation necessary to push through.

If this is about your connections approach them consciously. Understand it’s not you against them. It’s both of you against your own conditioning, which can limit your understanding of each other. Look to giraffe’s and the numbers 2, 9, 1, 11, and 29 as signs.


Sunday, May 26th:

Make it a lazy Sunday. The Moon is in Capricorn trine Mercury in Taurus and sextile Saturn in Pisces. She will square Mars in Aries before it’s over. So go into Sunday understanding things aren’t moving as fast you wish they would. You have two choices in those moments.

One is to sulk and be angry about it. The other is to find joy in the waiting. Great day to have productive conversations about things you’re committing to. Maybe take in some outside perspective. If you notice a repulsion to something that is said pause and ask yourself why.

Today is ruled by the Sun in Gemini. Soak up the information you receive about yourself in a curious way. Not a judgmental and critical way. And remember, the time is going to pass, so you may as well enjoy it while you wait for it to all come together.

Card for Sunday:

Parrot spirit, watch your words. Language is magic, and that’s why they call it spelling. Your words are powerful spells that your brain hears you cast over your life. So choose your words wisely because your subconscious is listening and rerouting you based on those signals.

It’s also important to listen more than you speak on Sunday. Maybe listen to some informative podcasts. Spend some time exploring the obstacles with curiosity rather than repelling the destination with disdain.

Parrots or colorful birds are a sign today, as are the numbers 4, 5, 9, and 45.


Book with me!

Tomorrow John goes in for the scope to look at his heart valves. We are pretty sure the port was infected because he’s doing better overall since they removed it, but still having some issues. They’re concerned the infection was leaking into the valves of his heart.



Inner Self Council
Inner Self Council

Written by Inner Self Council

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd

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