Saturation Station: May 8–14

Inner Self Council
6 min readMay 8, 2023

Monday, May 8th:

We begin our week with the Moon in Sagittarius. Let your emotions go on an adventure today. Just be the observer. The Moon will trine Jupiter before it squares Neptune and enters Capricorn; where it opposes Venus in Cancer. Yummy, delicious Venus, in a sign of depth and flow.

Today you’re recognizing where you have taken some of your own gifts for granted. It’s time to accept what is, so that what will be has a chance to exist. It’s time to be courageous and curious. To face whatever is behind you, beside you, and in front of you. No more side stepping issues.

You don’t know exactly what to do yet. However, you may have to make a move and take a risk on faith. It seems there is something tangible being offered to you that is safe, but you’re not quite sure it’s legitimate. As the Moon moves into Capricorn ground yourself. Root into the whispers of your own soul and weed out the voices of others.

It’s time to stabilize and structure our emotional world. For us to grow in our emotional intelligence once more. For us to witness emotion without it pushing us to cause a scene, and drown others with our projection.


Tuesday, May 9th:



Inner Self Council

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd