Pluto’s Long Game
Hello, friends! Today is the big day! Pluto moved into Aquarius at 7:23 am EST on March 23, 2023. And yes, he will dip back into Capricorn a couple times before he starts playing the long game in Aquarius, but you should start feeling the shift either way. Especially if it’s aspecting your chart.
Intuitively I am being led to write of patience. Everyone is making a huge deal of Pluto moving into Aquarius. I understand why and it is a pretty big deal, but more so in the long-term. When Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 huge shifts to the structures started in governments.
Here we are, the year is 2023, and the same corruption that was exposed in 2008 still exists. In fact, on a much more public and grander scale. I suspect as Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn some of that will change. We will start to see some real transformation. But we are talking about fifteen years between when Pluto entered the sign and now.
What Pluto does is drudge up the darkness and shadow to be faced. It’s difficult to face our individual shadows, let alone our collective ones. However, there is no transformation without bringing some light to the darkness and evolving it without shame, judgment, and fear.
Pluto is about power and control. In Capricorn he showed us the corruption that power and control can bring to the structures of our lives. For me…