Personal Examples

Adjust Your Sails
11 min readFeb 7, 2022

I don’t know the woman who posted this personally. She did post it publicly, and so I’d like to give her credit. Read it a thousand times if you have to. It’s a powerful statement that is true everyday, all day, with everyone in your life.

Today’s message is this:

If you don’t choose your peace you won’t have any peace.

The story I’m about to tell you is personal. You’re invited into my very human world to find solace in my vulnerability. I am just like you. Your worth is inherent like mine, in spite of us being human. It won’t matter that I told you that, though. What are you telling yourself?

I can’t wait to write my book. Many of you who have requested it and been reading my work from the beginning I appreciate you so much. The book will be full of incredibly personal details because I want to provide you with real life examples of the things I speak about in my blogs.

Jupiter enters Aries for a bit this year, and will be there next year. That’s my 9th house of books and publishing. I haven’t figured out the timing just yet, but it’s on my list, and I can’t wait to start it. My only goal is for you to understand I am human, but I am worthy, and that means so are you.

Just know that anyone I write about is someone I love. I do not take their behavior personal, nor do I care if they take mine that way. My behavior is nothing more than me exercising my right to choose peace in my life. To set an example with and for my children of how to create a life they love.

Fourteen years ago I was stuck in an abusive marriage, my children did not feel I put them first, I had so much guilt and shame. I tried taking religion seriously and almost took my own life. It was just more trauma for my children. Once an atheist I was still angry at religion, but I started studying psychology, parenting, human behavior.

I had never felt more alone in my life. The reason I call my business The Unfolding Lotus is because that’s how I feel. I began to apply the knowledge I was learning to my life, and integrating bits into wisdom. I grew and bloomed and blossomed in spite of the mud and the muck all around me.

Every choice I make, even today, is with my children in mind. Even when I make choices they don’t like. I…



Adjust Your Sails

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd