Member-only story
New Moon in Capricorn
Several days ago I woke up knowing I dreamt of Capricorn energy, but I had no specific recollection. I felt there was something important I was missing, and so I’ve been studying this New Moon ever since. For me personally, this appears to be about work and career. My current return charts and the ones upcoming also reflect this.
However, collectively I feel there is an over-arching message that applies. Are we seeking power for the sake of power? Or are we seeking to become self-empowered and take control of our own lives? None of us really saw the pandemic coming last year that would shake our structures and foundations to the core, but many of us did know something was coming.
I wrote about our foundations being shook on January 11, 2020, and even then I never imagined that just two months later a global pandemic would be what did it. The very next day, January 12th, one year ago today, we saw Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter form an exact conjunction in Capricorn, which represents foundations, structures, and government.
What would you do then if you had known? We always talk about how great it would be to go back in time knowing what we know now. Well, you can’t go back, but you can do something different now.
This is about us integrating the past year into our lives, and figuring out how to rebuild in this new world we are…