More Career and Promotion Examples
This is a comprehensive look at career in astrology. You can apply the same methods I am showing you here to any area of life. I am not currently offering readings for career, but hope to in the near future. As many of you know I had to get a job, and things haven’t been the best with our health.
For this blog it will be long. It still won’t include every chart and detail I have to look at when doing a career reading for you. I am going to do a detailed breakdown of the natal chart transits. Since this is career I’m going to look at my most recent Mercury and Venus returns, as Mercury was recent and rules the house of income.
Venus rules my career house and is likely relevant to where I am heading now. She will also do an extended stay and Rx in my first house this year from July into September. I also plan to take a look at the most recent or upcoming lunar return, as that is likely relevant.
This takes hours of work. This is why it can cost a lot for some astrologers when you book a reading. It’s worth the cost. However, I know that not everyone can afford the cost. So, I always try to make my prices fair, and offer you these blogs as free teaching tools.
It is my hope that the more I share here the more you will learn and be able to dive into your own chart more. You will have to have basic knowledge of…