June 2023: Sky Map

Adjust Your Sails
16 min readMay 29, 2023

First we are going to look at the last few days of May. Then we’ll have an introduction into June, and lastly discuss all the relevant aspects and transits. While June doesn’t have as much going on as the previous couple months, there is enough to talk about.

Monday, May 29th:

The Moon is in Libra, where we are wanting emotional harmony within ourselves. It will trine Pluto in Aquarius, where I believe we can give ourselves permission to be human and find acceptance. She will sextile Mars in Leo, too. Lean on people who understand and know you.

If you find yourself in a crappy situation I challenge you to ask yourself how you can change your perception instead of the situation? Sometimes the situation cannot be resolved because it’s your perception that must change in order to truly see the right solution.

As Pluto goes back into Capricorn we have some review, but let us not forget he is about to spend two decades in Aquarius soon. Society will be changing drastically. Will you? Use this time to restructure and reformat.


Tuesday, May 30th:

We genuinely do not have a lot happening today. You may start to feel the influence of Venus in Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces. But overall the day is quiet and I…



Adjust Your Sails

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd