Given the Chance

Adjust Your Sails
7 min readOct 4, 2023

Maybe you were never given a chance to be soft. To relinquish control and surrender. Maybe instead, you were forced into a role that taught you power didn’t belong to you. Maybe you have never understood that you have sovereignty and agency over your life because from the day you were born you were taught you did not.

So you become attached to the fear of abandonment and rejection, and you self-sabotage any attempts to move you away from the victim mindset. You become the one everyone else relies on, but then those same people shit on you, disrespect you, treat you as if your worth and value doesn’t exist.

When you live your entire life in fight or flight safe isn’t something available to you. In fact, when things are too peaceful it feels like a threat. Especially to the high-functioning codependents Liz and I discuss in the Aries Libra bonus episode we released yesterday.

You know, where you anticipate things going wrong before they do? This way you can work hard to plan, strategize, and prevent what you feel is the inevitable disruption of your nervous system? And it’s not even about abandonment or…



Adjust Your Sails

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd