Full Moon in Aquarius 2024: Healthy Detachment

Inner Self Council
12 min readAug 18, 2024



Aquarians are here to pour their soothing balm out into the world. Their reputation for being cold and detached stems from the fact that they put on brave faces, no matter what they’re going through. They are often ahead of their time and mocked for being different. It’s a quirky sign that shows us the path to healing and connecting to self and others.

See, we don’t need the light to grow. The light is what we are growing toward. At a New Moon the Moon is the darkest. We are told to manifest during New Moons because it’s like planting seeds. Just like we bury the seeds beneath damp soil, we plant intentions in our soul.

Where people get a little lost is when they chase the happiness, and don’t allow time to accept and embrace the duality of life. The energy will forever flow where we allow our intention to grow. We then have to water and care for those seeds and intentions if we expect a harvest to come.

The Moon is our emotional, internal world. The Sun is our ego and spirit. Every New Moon is a chance to align the two further. Every Full Moon, such as this one, is a culmination of the cycle. What we want and how we feel when we don’t get what we want come face-to-face.

Aquarians are said to be cold and detached because they are here to show you how to manage your emotions. When you pour too much energy into yourself and become unwilling to grow and evolve that is unhealthy. When you beg other people to pick you, and your energy is being poured only into being enough for them, that is also unhealthy.

What was happening for you around February 9th, give or take two weeks on either side? Because this is the culmination of that. I went back and looked at my journals. This is my 7th house of partnership and audience. We were hosting a benefit for John.

The amount of love and support in our lives could not be measured. I can’t tell you the people who came together to assist us in our time of need. New life was poured into my partner. It made him so emotional. I will never forget how accurate the astrology was.

My cousin was an angel to help me as much as he did. She wanted me to move the date to the tenth. I explained I couldn’t do that. If we did that there would be an issue with the cars and parking. We went to look at the venue and the entire road was blocked off to the parking lot.

The next day I called the city and they said I was so lucky. That had I waited and chosen any other weekend they couldn’t do anything to help. They were going to be drilling twenty feet into the ground, and we would have had nowhere for our friends and family to park. They opened it up for us.

This culmination is watching my partner fill with life again every time we talk about our current collaborations and future direction. We can rely on other people, and we are working to become people others can rely on. Even in the face of what sometimes feels insurmountable.

I was also learning a lot about professional relationships. I was coming up on one year of dedicated service to a company with a manager who had no spine. Instead of getting the raise or promotion I deserved my office space was taken away from me to prevent her from having to deal with confrontation. I had to learn to not handle it with spite and resentment.

I had clients coming in asking for me by name. I knew the Uranus Taurus conjunction was coming in my house of career. I had a prestigious university reach out to me during that conjunction. The manager said she came across my resume on Indeed, and loved my objective statement.

I had the job before I ever applied for it. And this culmination has brought a huge shitshow at work. It’s not the relationship drama and dynamics because those don’t exist here. At least not with me. It is happening around me. Clinic managers trying to override my manager as a float, etc.

We just had a huge hospital hack and the ransome is millions of dollars. This was unexpected and is affecting the authorities at work, and how we do our work in clinic. I’m hoping Monday the Full Moon culminates this issue, everyone’s data is returned, and that we get back to normal.

What’s funny is that around the New Moon my partner’s two exes asked to help. One is the mother of his two older sons, and the other his daughter. During the Full Moon the father of my oldest three children and I are being forced to reconnect or risk alienating our children.

We have gone from his exes helping with the benefit to mine having conversations about working for John and living back and forth between here and Florida. This way he is around more to help, and to further his connection with the children he hasn’t known anything about for the past twenty seven years.

You can tell this is my 7th house, and that Pluto sits there are zero degrees. The same degree Saturn and Jupiter conjoined at in December 2020. Saturn being the ruler of my relationship house, Jupiter the ruler of my children. First opening square of the cycle my ex who I had three children with is here. And yes, it has caused tension for me internally.

What house is Aquarius for you? Because that’s where this is playing out, and it likely involves the houses owned by Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Jupiter square Saturn is part of a much larger picture or cycle. This Full Moon is ruled by Saturn in Pisces. That flavors it a bit.

See, Saturn in Pisces is trying to get us to grow up emotionally. To put some structure and discipline around our emotional reactions and responses. Aquarius is a sign that is about healthy detachment. The work is done within. Self-control is the goal, but grace is a necessary component.

Pisces gives grace, but grace without boundaries is enabling; not empathy. The Sun in Leo wants to be adored and cherished. The Moon in Aquarius wants to be a bit detached. Not all change is welcome change. And this Full Moon is in a tense conversation with a square to Uranus in Taurus.

It is the Sun and Moon that are both in fixed signs. They are in a stubborn battle to lead. Saturn is in a mutable sign that says we must adapt to the current as it flows. You can’t give emotions and feelings structure in a real sense, but you can discipline yourself to go within and be responsible for them. That’s emotional intelligence, and Aquarius in a nutshell.

Whatever this culmination is I don’t believe any of us can predict it. This is about learning to calm yourself in the storm. If you’ve been following my weekly energy you already know this. The storms are going to come. Life will never be good vibes only. You just learn how to sail the ship. And sometimes as we sail the current we have to adjust the sails.

Uranus is in Taurus, the sign of tangible, material things. It’s the planet of disruption in the sign of safety, security, and stability. You’re going to have to make adjustments and stop choosing meaningless hills to die on. The ego is a meaningless hill at times, and others it’s a necessary tool.

You’re going to know exactly what to do in order to bring in the safety, security, and stability you seek during a chaotic time in the world. But making yourself do it is part of the deal. Huge downloads are coming.

You are experiencing the push and pull of wanting desperately to expand, and desiring certainty that doesn’t exist. Aquarius is the sign that shows us the only certainty is uncertainty. It’s the sign that reminds us that if we pour into ourselves we have more to pour into others.

The truth will set you free. Not feeling like you have to defend your truth will set you even freer. The only safety and security that exists is the ability for you to go within and convince yourself you’re safe, that you’re secure, and that no matter what happens you’re going to be okay because you have decided it is so. Life will never be as certain as we wish it was.

You will either face the unknown or continue living with the constant begging where you are. This is a test. A time to trust yourself. People will question your sanity if you learn to stay calm in every situation, but learn to do that anyway. Develop a relationship with your intuition.

Staying the same will not work anymore. The Universe is coming in strong with this Super Full Moon in Aquarius. It’s going to pack a huge punch. There is an unmistakable revelation of a blindspot. You may not have clarity as to what the other side looks like, but you have it for the next step.

We had the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn begin a cycle in December 2020 at the same degree Pluto is in right now. Pluto will be moving back into Capricorn on September 1st. You know what you need to do, and this time is to prepare yourself to do it. The structure is within.

In the bible, Luke chapter 22, it speaks to the betrayal of Jesus and the last supper. Luke 22:7–10 “Then came the day of Unleavened Bread on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed. Jesus sent Peter and John, saying, “Go and make preparations for us to eat the Passover. Where do you want us to prepare for it?” they asked.

He replied, “As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters…

Aquarius is the man carrying the jug of water. Follow us into the house we enter. Pluto in Aquarius is transforming society and how we connect. He’s dipping back into Pluto for a final review of the structures that we need in order to thrive and create legacy in our lives.

Society as we know it is going to crumble. We probably should have listened to the preppers if I’m honest. But freaking out and searching for a leader will NEVER be as powerful as remaining stoic, working through your emotions, which are valid, and taking the lead.

In Luke 22:16–18 it says, “For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the kingdom of God. After taking the cup, he gave thanks and said, take this and divide it among you. For I tell you I will not drink again from the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes.”

The kingdom of the divine is WITHIN you. So Jesus was saying that he would not eat again until we learned how to find fulfillment within. He showed us the way. He told us to be grateful in every situation. To divide everything up equally. The kingdom of God never left.

It’s there, waiting for you to recognize it within yourself. Which differences are you willing to put aside? What values are you willing to continue compromising for a false sense of maybe one day? Jesus was the SUN. The source of our life on this planet. He was a more enlightened Sun God.

It’s no secret that Jesus preached during the Age of Pisces. All the fishers of men and just look at the symbol for Christianity. Pisces is the sign that is said to be closest to God. It comes right after Aquarius. It’s in Aquarius we understand we all matter, and society becomes fair. And in Pisces where we are all in the good vibes of our shared humanity and divinity.

Christ consciousness is the way you live your life. It has nothing to do with worshipping a man who may or may not have lived a long time ago. He taught us that the kingdom of the divine is within. His message was watered down and used to control us for centuries.

We are structuring the lessons we learned in the Age of Pisces because it’s time for a New Age. This is the age of collective transparency. Saturn in Pisces is holding religions accountable. So many people are uniting for peace, and demanding it from our leaders.

There are times in life when backing down is the answer. There are other times when standing your ground is much more important. You don’t want to die on those meaningless hills I spoke about, but you do want to stay true to your core values and self-respect.

Please listen to me, this energy is reshaping our entire world. In spite of your consistent attempts to avoid the truth the pressure is mounting. Conflict that you’ve avoided like the plague is something you now have to confront. Until you confront your reality you cannot change it.

The Sun in Leo is all about shining a light on ourselves as individuals. The Moon in Aquarius is all about what change is needed for the greater good of all. The square to Uranus shows that shocking disruptions to what makes us feel safe and secure are underway.

And because Scorpio is the only fixed sign not involved that may be where the answers lie. It’s time to confront the deeper, hidden things. The subconscious fears and wounds that drive us. It is time to face our fears. Whatever is already strained in your life is further destabilized now.

When we consider that the same day of this Full Moon three of the four mutable signs are also at play it tells us adaptability is our best defense. Venus in Virgo will square both Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, while they square off with Saturn in Pisces. Venus will oppose Saturn, too.

This means Sagittarius is left empty. So perhaps the answer is in broadening our perspective. It is going to be found in the big picture analysis of your life and what you want that to look like. Is where you are now aligning you with that destination? What are the truths you need to accept in order to align further?

The Democratic National Convention takes place on this Full Moon. I stand by my prediction that Biden will eventually leave his role early, and that Kamala will have to stand up as acting President. All the energy that has played out has shown us that Western culture’s influence is waning.

Everyone knows that the structures are collapsing. But that isn’t happening without a hell of a fight on the oligarch's end. Neptune in Pisces, as well as Pluto’s time in Capricorn, dissolved the illusion that we could depend on government. We understand we are controlled by centralized forces.

And this is the reckoning. ❤

The American Dream has been dead in the way they promoted it. In fact, that was never a real dream of anyone. None of us dream to wake up everyday and invest hours of energy into making someone else rich. All while we barely scrape by. Working hard is a myth that is also shattering.

Even for someone like me, who understands hustle is a lie, and that flow and alignment are the way of the future, it’s so hard to shake that mindset. I find myself in conversations about work ethics and realize I have a lot of inner work to detangle within myself where that is concerned.

The age of Internet and AI is like Pandora’s Box, as Angstoic says. On one hand, it has decentralized information and power. On the other is has been responsible for mass misinformation and delusion. I highly encourage anyone to follow and subscribe to Ang. His revelations are intense and eye-opening. We need that energy to grapple with these times.

I’ll leave with a bit of his latest blog:

“As these astrological forces converge, they mirror the tumult of our time, forcing us to confront the disillusionment and decay that have shattered the dreams we once held dear. But just as Pandora’s box unleashed horrors upon the world, it also left us with a resilient hope — a force not of naive optimism, but of fierce defiance. This is a hope that refuses to accept the status quo, that compels us to stand up and speak out against all that is wrong, even if it means blowing the whistle on the very systems that bind us.

It’s a hope that recognises the need to make sacrifices — perhaps even the ultimate sacrifice — so that future generations might live free from the chains of mental enslavement.”

If you’re interested in what the whole week has in store find it here:

If you’re interested in an in-depth reading of your astrology, human design, or both, check that out here:



Inner Self Council
Inner Self Council

Written by Inner Self Council

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd

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