Extracting Sweetness: Pick A Card
Please choose one or more piles and scroll down for your results. Each pile is labeled at the top as usual. I do hope you’ll read the collective message first to understand where this was inspired from. May it find you at the perfect time.
Collective message:
Life is a honeycomb and like with real honeycombs there is a chance you will get stung. It’s your job to extract the sweetness from life anyway. To be productive with your time while the sun is shining. To not allow yourself or others to get in the way of your dreams.
You have the right to be happy, and happiness is a choice we make. Just like we choose to keep people who are frigid, cold, and do not match our energy in our lives. That, too, is a choice you’re making.
You should be surrounding yourself with people who can match your energy, not those who freeze it out and make you cold as ice. If you have children, this is especially important. They watch all that you do; not just what you say. Children will live what they learn. Be a role model.
Important numbers to notice are 1, 8, and 10. If you see the number one a lot it is telling you that it is time for a new beginning. The number 8 is about balancing your spiritual world with your material world. The number 10 represents a completion of a cycle that is upon you. It may be a cycle you’re clinging to from ego or fear.
Pile One:
The first thing for you to remember when things feel off is that you can’t always see the bigger picture. You can go within, meditate, get to know your higher self, and be led toward it. Ultimately, though, this takes a trust and faith in the unknown. It means you take the next step without being able to see where it leads.
You possess ancient wisdom within. This will come to you in the form of epiphanies as you meditate and get comfortable with the other side. You have access to the sacred realms, and there lies your answers. Fear is the opposite of love, and it’s time to align your heart and mind with love. The universe has your back and you are the universe; trust yourself.
Right now your health may not be optimal and your domestic situation may lack harmony. You’re being led to go within. To find peace in every storm, by understanding none of it is as personal as it feels. Allow your higher self to guide you in balancing your logical side and your emotions. Take this step into a new beginning and don’t apologize for it.
Approach this task and journey with organization and intention. Stop offering your love and energy to those who do not reciprocate the same back to you. You have a powerful third eye and when you’re sitting in indecision about your next move it’s open for you to get the answers.
Free yourself to venture forth and co-create the life of your dreams with Spirit. Allow your connection to your higher self to transform your thoughts and desires. Seek your purpose instead of seeking to feel fulfilled in other human beings or in substances. That is escapism; not love. Love lives inside of you and you cannot lose yourself.
Drop your guard a bit. You’ve become far too rigid and are on defense. Start eating right, sleeping at night, and taking care of your health. The better care you take of your physical body the more grateful you appear for life. Your body is the vessel in which you will fulfill your purpose. Let go of lusty desires that only serve to distract you from that.
Now is the time for your rebirth and awakening. The only solid foundation you will ever build is the one within. When you build yourself strong and sturdy it will never matter what else crumbles around you. You will overcome and understand the lessons in it all.
You can extract sweetness from your life by going within and discovering who you are under all the things you’ve been taught. By peeling back the layers of conformity we are all subject to. To thine own self be true.
Pile Two:
You have a difficult time with change and taking risks. There may be someone or something you know you need to let go of, but you’ve been afraid to do so. Now is the time to let it go. To recognize your worth and value and demand more for yourself.
You can do this understanding no one means to hurt you. It’s never as personal as it feels, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow that understanding to become enabling. Sometimes we have to walk away, and that doesn’t mean we don’t love the ones we walk away from.
When big changes are asked of you it’s not happening to you. It is happening FOR you. You can commit to your divine path daily. When you fall off that’s okay, too. The universe isn’t judging you, and the natural consequence is the punishment, so it’s not going to punish you either. There is no shame here. It’s about falling down, but always getting back up. Be stable and grounded.
Whenever others hurt you or pain surfaces it’s time to re-align with love. I am talking about unconditional love. Then clear direction will be presented to you. Unconditional love is the understanding that nothing is as personal as it feels. This enables forgiveness. It’s the ability to then set a clear, healthy boundary, and love folks from a distance.
You may have too much pride getting in the way of your healing. You can’t face and change what you refuse to admit or acknowledge. Seek to learn all about emotional intelligence and vulnerability. When you start practicing this a creative, new, passionate beginning emerges for you.
Right now your abundance and true love are being blocked by the universe. This is because you haven’t healed yourself. It’s time to let go of hostility and anger. The time is right, but you keep ignoring and avoiding what you know has to be done for the highest good. The universe is urging you to do it now, so that you don’t miss what is meant for you.
If you are in any situation at all where there is no equal give and take it’s time to walk away from it. You are not meant to settle for less than what you deserve. Talk to yourself the way you would a best friend. Believe that you deserve the love you’re seeking, but understand you first have to find it within. If you don’t you’ll never truly feel loved by another.
At the end of the day you believe what you tell yourself. If I came up to you every hour, on the hour, and told you that you’re worthy of love over and over for a full minute it wouldn’t matter. What matters is what you’re telling yourself the other 59 minutes of those hours. No one else’s opinion of you ever holds the weight you give it.
The temporary pain of letting go is worth the freedom and love we find when we make that space for it. You have the ability to envision your future. Your power is within you waiting. There is something or someone in your life that is forbidden for you. Move away from it now. Only then will you manifest the union that is truly, honestly, divinely meant for you.
The sweetness you can extract from life is self-love. It’s in learning that you deserve more than you’ve been settling for. It’s in understanding your own connection to the divine and tapping into it daily.
Pile Three:
This is a bit similar to the energy of pile one. You struggle with indecision. The universe is calling you in two directions right now. One path will be familiar and full of the same pain, frustration, and hurt you’re used to. The other is an opportunity for growth and real love. If you become fully responsible for you, your emotions, your path, that is where your freedom lies.
Controlling others isn’t possible, and controlling ourselves can be difficult. You do not have the capacity to save other souls, though. The only soul you can save is your own. You do that by getting to know it and following its orders. It will never lead you astray. This can be scary because you have to trust in the unknown and let go of the need for specific outcomes.
But I promise if you focus on the inner light you will see the world through a new lens of authentic love. Pay attention to the music you hear going forward. Maybe you’ll hear it in a car, the grocery store, someone’s home, but listen because this how Spirit will be communicating with you.
There is divine love, a real soulmate, waiting for you. It can’t be communicated or brought in right now. This is because you’re still holding on to something or someone in the past or present. This person you’re clinging to is blocking the love meant for you.
You are going to start receiving generous advice from a kind, caring soul soon. You’re being encouraged to follow this advice. Stop fighting with yourself and letting your thoughts control you. You are not your thoughts. You are the awareness that you’ve even having thoughts at all. If you practice living in that awareness you can re-program your mind.
Be patient with yourself as you take this healing journey. Understand that everything you need, all the ancient wisdom that has ever been, is inside of you always. If you react rather than respond that’s okay. Just start practicing self-awareness. As you grow give yourself credit for how far you’ve come, rather than worrying about how far you feel you have left to go.
You have an independent soul. One that isn’t meant to conform to what others want for you. You are to live your life on your own terms. Pay attention to how conflict and tension affect you. It can tell you so much about yourself. In the middle of it, pause, ask yourself how it’s affecting you and why. Remember it’s not personal, and try a new approach to it.
Practice having hope in the midst of chaos. Sometimes life is just going to be chaotic. You can’t control how others act. You have the ability to see beyond the obvious. Try seeing beneath the surface of the chaos and seeking your answers there. If it’s security and safety you seek that is within. You can choose inner peace. You don’t need an invitation.
You imagination is your magic wand. This is where you can extract the sweetness from your life. Your imagination is vivid. We all manifest things, people, and situations into our lives; even if we’re not trying. What we allow ourselves to think about and speak become the seeds, and what we later harvest. So, choose your seeds with intention and purpose.
Pile Four:
I feel like you prefer to take charge and push through, but sometimes it’s time to pull back. Empower yourself through observation and understanding. Stop seeking that outside of the self. You cannot solve everyone’s problems, and judging them isn’t the answer either.
Your power is inside of you, and you do not need permission to stand in it. Remember always that you are the loving energy of the universe. You may have children because this pile is speaking about parenting. Pay attention to synchronicities that may involve them. Don’t helicopter them or try to force them in any one direction. Allow them to learn the lessons on their path.
You are also too hung up on someone that walked away from you. Even if this person is meant for you it’s time to release the outcome. It’s becoming a burden for you. You are designed to walk your path and yours alone. Trust the universe is going to bring you what is meant for you if do only that.
Important news is on its way to you. Stop holding on so tight to the people who walk away, so it can come in. Your power is in releasing those who leave. Unconditional love is about setting people free and loving them without the demand that they come back at all. They are learning their own lessons.
You may struggle when others challenge you. Stand your ground and you will win if you’re right. You don’t have to prove anything. You just need to stand in your power; that’s it. Your goal is to allow help when the universe sends it, and to do the rest on your own. Don’t get impatient. Divine timing is the key to everything you’re trying to manifest in life.
You struggle letting things end. Stop resisting endings because when you resist and cling to specific outcomes you aren’t making space for what will truly make you happy. Allow the universe to work on your behalf and trust that is where your fulfillment lies.
Take risks and be confident that everything you desire is on its way to you. Prosperity and passion are coming into your life. Doubts can cause delays. Extract your sweetness by going within and finding comfort that what is meant for you is not going to miss you. By releasing what you want your life to look like, and co-creating the life you truly deserve.
To all piles:
Listen to this as you fall asleep tonight: