Dragons and Saturn Slaying in Pisces

The Akashic Oracle
12 min readAug 24, 2024


For a while now dragons have been showing up in my life. I did not seek them, nor did I ask for them as a sign. I just noticed one day that I was seeing dragons everywhere. They even started showing up as frequencies when I viewed my YouTube algorhythm.

This has been happening for a while. I am busy and didn’t really think much of it. But the past few days have been astounding. The downloads epiphanies, and conversations. All of it has been confirming and so enlightening. I’m so at peace with the timing.

The effort I have put into really teaching myself to be okay with the in between is huge. There is no sense in complaining that the Universe hasn’t given me what I desire before I’m ready for it. The Universe is not prolonging to be hurtful. It responds to my choice to go within or not.

It will never stoop down to my level because it is our example. You shouldn’t stoop down to other people’s level, either. But that doesn’t mean you have to tolerate their bullshit. Even if that other person is a good person, and you care about them deeply, if they cannot meet you where you are at, and your attempts to meet them and assist have failed, it’s okay to walk away, and teach them what the Universe has taught you.

There is a difference in empathy and enabling. This is the real work of Saturn in Pisces. So what do dragons have to do with all of this? Well, I was sitting here and a notification came up that someone liked a blog I had written back in March of last year. So I read the blog.

They are like journals at times.

I was floored. Everything that was happening in March of last year is culminating now. It was about the literal expression of Saturn in my Pisces 8th house in March, and it had only been there three days. I had no idea what we were in store for when I wrote that. What we were dealing with then was hard, and things just got harder and harder.

No matter how hard it’s gotten I have not lost my Faith. In fact, Saturn in Pisces is trying to get us to mature in our faith in ourselves and the Universe. knowing that we will be okay no matter what. Sure, we may not feel okay here and there. We may need a good, cleansing cry, but ultimately we come back to faith and the will to try again.

I know you’re tired, so rest. I’ve gotten so good at saying no. At coming home and taking naps. I slept tonight from the time I got home until my daughter called me at 821 pm. I woke up thinking it was morning and I missed work. I went and took her out driving.

As soon as you’re able I want you to sit and make a list of all the people you help that are not you, and how much time and energy that takes away from you building your legacy, and fulfilling your purpose. Where are you causing your own resentment by choosing to say yes when you mean no?

I decided it was time to look up the ancient spiritual meaning of dragons. That’s when I felt led to write this blog, and dive deeper into the message of Saturn in Pisces. In March of last year I wrote it from a practical perspective. Tonight I’m going to use it as a spiritual example.

Dragons are all about transformation and wisdom; both of which take time and intention. Imagine how long it takes without time and intention. And we live most of our lives distracted from the real, inner, foundational work it takes to create the life of our dreams, and stop escaping our nightmares.

Saturn represents a mystical wisdom that shows us time is an illusion. And even if we choose to run on time here on Earth, we can choose to use it wisely. To spend less time complaining about what victims we are, and to start spending more time manifesting different circumstances.

You can call it whatever you want. But the truth is we do create our own hardships a lot of the time. Tonight when I started searching the meaning of dragons I came across the information that we are in the year of the dragon. The year of Imperial and auspicious power.

And with Saturn in a water sign, we are meant to ease into more empathetic uses of that power. China’s chart is also set for a rise to power. It doesn’t mean America has to die or fall. It means we all have to learn to live in harmony; Pluto in Aquarius.

We are to learn individually that real power is found in self-control and flow. That it is found in letting ourselves feel what we feel. Giving ourselves space and time to validate it within. And then to offer ourselves grace, and realize that no matter how valid the pain is, we don’t have to take it personally. We can choose over and over to forgive until we actually do.

The in between times are a chance for us to sit with ourselves, to integrate the wisdom we have gathered. I get so excited for growth and new chances to evolve, but I just had the epiphany as Saturn has gone Rx, and is growing ever closer to his 2nd opposition to my Moon and natal Saturn. He went Rx right on my South Node.

Listen, in the post from March John was still working. He had started getting sick, and things were shifting quickly, but he worked until around May. By December he was getting a port in his jugular for emergency dialysis. Our lives became so different so fast.

So the practical application still applies like I said in March. Our shared and joint resources have become the source of focus with Saturn in my 8th house of shared resources and intimacy, and his sixth house of health and work. Saturn restricts, shows us where we need to grow up before we can move to the next level. We have to rise to meet it. It won’t come to us.

He is showing John that by taking responsibility for his health and dealing with that issue once and for all he will be able to move up to the next level. And teaching me that I cannot depend on someone else’s resources, and that I need to take my own more seriously.

However, it’s also taught me that the intimacy I’ve created within myself, with the Universe, is greater than all other intimacy. Even when intimacy is lacking in my personal life or relationships I intimately know and love myself. Such a different position than my first Saturn opposition at 14 years old. Crazy how much wisdom can transform you when you’re intentional.

I met John and Dan around the same time. I’ve told the story before. And after choosing Dan I spent two decades with John on a pedestal. Feeling as if he were the one that got away. Early on in the relationship, the day of a Full Moon in my 7th house of relationships, we had our first test.

He quickly fell from that pedestal. I had to learn how to allow a partner to be human. He was great at not gaslighting me. I saw him grow so much self-awareness. I have taught him so much, but he has taught me just as much. I taught him mythical wisdom, he taught me practical skills. Look at my Virgo Pisces axis. Mine is 2nd and 8th; resources.

His are 6 and 12. Using mythical wisdom to transform your health and routine. Only, I can’t force someone else to desire more for themselves than they do. And my soul craves for more, even as I’ve learned how to be satisfied in every situation. I wish that had always been the case.

But as I sit right now we have had tough conversations. I’ve spoken my needs, desires, and where I feel there is resentment and why. Promises were made, and compromises on both sides. Some were kept, others were not. I’m not allowed to be wrong or fail, and it sometimes feels as if no one will ever match my effort.

I’ve learned that’s okay. Integrity is important to me. And I can spend time mad that the people in my life have lack it, or I can choose to have different people in my life. You have all the power in your relationship because if you just work on your fear of abandonment and start showing up for yourself you can leave that relationship. It’s always a choice you make to stay.

We are in a Universal year 8, all about becoming the main character in our own lives. We are in the year of the dragon, which is all about stepping into a new chapter in life, and that’s what I am doing. Stepping into a new level of existence, and some will come with me, while others won’t.

I’ve gotten so good at realizing I don’t have any control over that. As much as I love my children. As much as I know without them, my unstoppable search for the truth would not have led me where I am today. My only goal to prove to them they are loved and cherished. I’ve had to face some truths.

The truth that they have the power to choose to leave my life, and there is nothing I can do about it. I will not guilt trip them. I will not project my shame onto them. But I will be okay if that is their choice because loving them has forced me to learn that.

Tonight I was on a drive and I thought about it. No one has ever truly taken care of me. Even when they were responsible for taking care of me practically they didn’t do a good job. There was also physical neglect and a feeling I owed them for every little thing they did do. But no one has ever truly held safe space for me.

I’ve learned that’s my job. I no longer allow the fear of abandonment to make my choices for me. Because when I have done that I abandoned myself. I used to be married to a hateful man, who caused me and my children untold trauma. He worked full time, but I did not. We had to live off the government.

There was always fear because if you made a dollar too much over the outdated income guidelines they cut you off. You wouldn’t know what you were going to feed your kids. My life looks so different today. I could focus on all the tragedy and unexpected shifts, but I’d be doing myself no favors.

Because see, today I’m in a relationship, that while I’m not as sure of it’s length, is healthier than anything I’ve ever experienced. This man has taught me so much. My only big goal that I didn’t meet in between leaving my ex-husband and dating John was driving. He gave me that freedom.

I’m no longer dependent on the government. It’s not ideal to have my health insurance tied to a job, need two surgeries, and even with generous paid time, not be able to have my surgeries. But it’s healthcare I don’t have to pay for or watch my income for. And in October I have two weeks of paid vacation dropping I can use for one of the surgeries.

At my previous job, which I also wrote about in March, I was trying to become assistant manager. I was trying to elevate myself and grow. I learned so much there, but there was never any real recognition. I learned that the manager was conflict avoidant, and I remember that I still have to fight to not be that way everyday of my life.

As a Projector I am supposed to wait for the invitation. I did not apply for this current job. I was invited to apply because my supervisor like my resume on a website and reached out. I have a job that would allow me to support myself and my oldest with special needs alone if I have to.

And I get recognition all the time. I float to different clinics, and have made some amazing friends. There is not the drama that existed in my old job. I just had a meeting with my supervisor about my continued learning and goals. My six month review is in October. So much opens up for me after that in terms of my growth within the university.

Right now my son has moved out and is living with his partner. My daughter and her husband got their own place. My other daughter, her partner, and my grandson live upstairs, but will be coming down here, so we can rent the upstairs out for a bit more to help us save our home.

My parents moved out a while ago into an apartment complex for senior citizens. It’s still close to us. But dad needed surgery on his back and could no longer do the stairs. So much is different. Wow did it change fast. I’ll link the blog from last year if you’re interested in the background of this.

The daughter moving down here is going to apply for housing and there is about a six month waiting list. So I am teaching her how to drive. She already bought a car. And once they are are in a safe space I have far more options open up.

I may even have more options before then, but astrologically Mars Rx on my Ascendant in December is the more likely timing. I so love astrology and keeping hope alive. Saturn shows us where the current fears are that we need to release.

Ten years ago I was dependent on an abusive man and the government. In my childhood neither adult was dependent financially, so I had at least broken some cycles. But man I had so far to go. Today, I have close, healing, growing relationships with all of my children.

I am watching my daughter break cycles with her son that I failed to break when she was that age. And no matter how angry they ever get at me for repeating some of the cycles, they are so proud of me for breaking them. Because without me being strong enough to do it, they would not have that as an example in their own lives today.

That’s on dragons. That’s on Saturn conjunct your Moon in the sign of details and perfection. That’s on Saturn in Pisces demanding we become more responsible for our own emotions. That’s on growing up. If you want your life to change face your greatest fears and insecurities with curiosity.

It’s no accident the bible speaks the the snake being evil. Dragons were originally snake-like creatures. But it’s awful suspect that God would tell you not to eat from the tree of wisdom, and then tell you the one trying to educate you is the evil one, in my humble opinion.

They have never wanted you to know your true power. The oldest known dragon myth is from Sumeria and the cradle of civilization. It didn’t just represent snakes, but lions. And as Mercury finishes his Rx at the last degrees of Leo let me tell you that hit personally.

Because it’s about having the courage of a lion to integrate the wisdom of the snake. And wouldn’t you know it I Googled what year we are in for 2025 and it’s the year of the snake. You cannot make it up. This year was you gaining wisdom about how you can become the main character of your life. It’s been learning around power dynamics and power in general.

Next year we come out having shed old skins. We are more intelligent, listening to our intuition, and have clear insight. We are renewed and ready to tackle big things. We have this stronger sense of self moving forward. We are dethroning others and stepping into our own greatness.

Here is the blog from last March:

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If you have it in your heart to help me make my next moves I would be forever grateful. Tips are never expected, but so appreciated:

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Love you all and hope you’re all growing and learning to build a life you love. Please reach out if you’re struggling to afford a reading, and I will consider a donation based reading.




The Akashic Oracle
The Akashic Oracle

Written by The Akashic Oracle

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd

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