Member-only story
Maybe free will isn’t what we think it is. The brain is a computer that people and circumstances in our life program; often unintentionally. And until there is a reboot, an awareness, an upgrade, we just go about life instincturally reacting to old programming.
Our emotions are a sign that we should pay attention. But we spend so much time trying to avoid the uncomfortable ones.
Let’s talk about it…
From the day I was born I was given the message that I was a burden, a bother, an undeserving slave to the whims of other people. I was taught I was responsible for their emotions, and not allowed to express my own.
I thought I had to earn the love, attention, and affection I wanted and desired. That it somehow existed outside of myself. In the spiritual community there is a lot of emphasis put on divine union, but the goal of any union is reconciliation with the self.
I thought I had such a big heart, and everyone was just taking advantage of it. Of course they were, but the truth is I didn’t give…