Current Astrology and Human Design Cycles: Graceful Endings

The Akashic Oracle
8 min readAug 29, 2024


My daughter tagged me in this on Facebook. I’m not sure who to credit. But this sums up my Leo Rising. Lol

I wrote about the New Moon in Virgo and how we are supposed to plant seeds in that area of life. Seeds with the intention to heal our bodies, so our inspiration becomes clearer. We need to create healthier habits in our lives. Whether it’s how we speak to ourselves, or allow ourselves to be spoken to.

It’s what we feed ourselves, how often we move, and whether or not we can regulate our nervous system. Virgo season will show you where you’re still anxious. Where you’re trying to serve others at your own expense. Virgo gets angry about that. But the New Moon is opposite Saturn in Pisces.

This is telling us to grow the hell up. To recognize that we choose to invest in people who do not recognize or appreciate us. Saturn in Pisces is about learning the difference between empathy and enabling. And Venus is going to oppose Neptune before she ingresses into Libra. Stop lying to yourself.

Before I get to the story of Venus conjunct the South Node I want to show you how knowing your astrology and human design is so beneficial. In the last blog I spoke about how for the first time in my life I am making enough money to not need external support if it came down to it.

Uranus and Jupiter conjoined in my tenth house of career. Uranus is the planet of sudden and shocking change, the tenth house is my career. I got a career I never applied for or sought out. What’s great about that is I am a Projector in Human Design, and it’s only when I get an invitation that I am recognized and appreciated.

The amount of empathy, thanks, real appreciation I get from people at this job is incredible. My previous job I was desperate for, and it never went anywhere. There was very little appreciation. In fact, the manager was so conflict avoidant she basically demoted me to not have to be uncomfortable with a woman who had been there longer.

The difference believing in yourself, knowing yourself, and applying what you learn to your life is astounding. I could have felt like leaving there was being unloyal or breaking a promise. Given up this amazing opportunity I have now that no longer fills with me dread when I wake up.

This job invited me. That’s the difference. I am the same person. I am smart and capable at any job. The problem wasn’t me. It was the fact that I was not aligned with my design and astrology. Because as soon as I accepted that invitation it changed so much for me.

At that point in my life I still wasn’t super comfortable ending my time there. It didn’t go as gracefully as I’d hoped. But man I’ve learned so much about myself in the process. There are things and people I am going to be releasing, and I am intentionally being graceful about it.

Pluto moves into Capricorn September first. We get to revisit the pieces of our structures that are no longer useful. Perhaps just for show. September 2nd, we have a New Moon in Virgo. It’s trine Pluto by whole sign. There is no mistaking what needs to be transformed, nor our eagerness for change.

The tower has already erupted. We’ve been sorting through the rubble, figuring out what is worth saving. Knowing which action we should take next we should look at Mars. He is going to enter Cancer, move through Leo, and then pull a retrograde (Rx).

So what house is Cancer for you? Because the day after Venus conjuncts the South Node Mars is moving to that house. Mars doesn’t do so well in Cancer because he’s exalted in the opposite sign of Capricorn. We are going to want to focus on what makes us feel safe, protected, and nurtured.

But the rub is the only way to feel safe, protected, and nurtured is to face the isolation that can bring. Mars will oppose Pluto twice. Once as he hits the last degree of Cancer the first time, and again as he Rx’s back over it. If you want to feel safe, protected, and nurtured it’s time to understand that you can’t find that inside of anyone else.

You have to have the courage to give up your current situation if you want a better one to come along. The in between time is a beautiful time for you to get to know yourself better. To sit with what you truly want. To manifest the next level into existence. Always trust your timing.

When Mars moves into Leo he picks up a little dignity. We could see a lot of wounded egos barking loud. You know something they don’t. You understand that in order to be involved with people of integrity you have to become one. And this may mean tuning them out, letting them go.

The Venus South Node dance is in Libra. This is not a time to fight and become some warrior for some cause. Don’t get distracted. End things as gracefully as you can, and make space for the new that is coming.

For me, Pluto is moving back into my sixth house. This lets me know the Universe is waiting on me to get my shit together. To build a routine and structure that will help me build my legacy. To take better care of my health and habits than I have in the past.

The New Moon is in the 2nd house for me. It’s wanting me to plant seeds related to self-respect and self-worth. If I respect myself and find myself worthy then I wouldn’t deprive my body of good health habits. I would heal my gut and tune in more to my intuition. I would keep learning to regulate.

It’s also the house of personal resources. The more time I waste trying to help people who don’t want to be helped, the less time I am investing in my own resources and what it is I value. Even if I enjoy what I am doing, if there is no delegation to me there is no trust in me.

Recently I decided to make a list of where all my energy, resources, and time go. Then I am going to go over that list with a fine tooth comb. I have a limited amount of energy being a Projector with a full-time career. So I need to become incredibly intentional with it.

Venus and the South Node are in my Libra 3rd house. Speaking and communicating differently. Releasing old stories. Perhaps releasing collaborations and online creative content. I’ve already had to release my brothers, and that is my third house, where siblings fall.

Mars is moving into my 12th house in Cancer. Having Cancer in the 12th house means you won’t stop sabotaging yourself until you realize that your sense of safety, protecting, and nurturing is found in you alone. In your relationship with whatever you feel is divine.

When he moves into my first house I’m taking action to show up differently. It’s going to Rx right on my Ascendant and move back into the 12th house. I’m not loving this for my inflammation. This means I am being doubled checked to take care of my body.

Selfishness is so often misunderstood. Leo is the individuated self, and Aquarius the tribe. You have to own your authentic, individual self. You have to be around people who are aligned with your path. Not simply maintain some blind sense of duty and obligation to a tribe.

We are in a Human Design shifting right now. We are moving from a time where we sought the external to tell us who we are. We are moving into a time where we know who we are. We trust ourselves, we do our inner work, we hold ourselves accountable to ourselves.

In Human Design we are currently in a cycle called The Cross of Planning. We’ve been in this cycle since 1615 and it doesn’t switch until 2027. It is what ushered in the era of the bargain. It pushed us to work together in ways we never had before. Now we are disintegrating that theory.

The next cycle will be the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. And until we get there we just have more and more crumbling. One way to look at Pluto moving into Aquarius for good is exposing where “working together” has been used to manipulate us into being loyal to the wrong path and people.

When Pluto was in Capricorn we started to see more people come out of cults and religion. We saw the rise of atheism. We saw the illusions dissolve before our eyes. A rise in gentle parenting and healing trauma.

Government wasn’t working for us. They told us to work together, while they worked behind the scenes to screw us all. We had a whole pandemic that forced us to slow down and look at our lives.

We are moving from the era of love thy neighbor as yourself to actually loving ourselves. You will still help others put on their mask if the plane is going down, but you’re putting yours on first. This era is also aligning with the energy of not receiving the spiritual gifts until you take care of the body. What is practical and already in your control.

During this Cross of Planning phase we built up what Capricorn represents. Big business, corporate greed, Hollywood, Wall Street, and huge economic structures. In America we even judge the health of our nation based off how well a few at the top are doing.

Now we are at the end of the Cross of Planning, and Pluto just has one last dance with Capricorn. We’ve seen all of those structures crumble. They didn’t plan very well. Pluto exposed the illusions of the Cross of Planning. It was trying to set us up for success, but if there is no willingness to self-correct we all go down with the ship.

Unless we individuate.

The Phoenix has been sleeping for a long time. And before it can wake up it has to die. We are dying to the old individually and collectively, so that we can rise from the ashes better than before. Time to sort out your shit. We can’t preach what aren’t practicing in our own lives.

If you’d like to dive deeper into your birth chart and the current transits please reach out to me at I am opening for donation based sessions again. My time is limited, so it could be a while between the time you contact me and when I’m next available. ❤

If you’d like to donate to the work I do here please see tip jars below, and may it come back to you a hundredfold:

Cashapp: $Kdoxsie

Venmo: @Katrina213

Chime: $Katrina-Doxsie

I love you. ❤



The Akashic Oracle
The Akashic Oracle

Written by The Akashic Oracle

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd

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