Collective Horoscope: Aries Eclipse

Inner Self Council
12 min readApr 7, 2024


Found on someone’s Facebook page

I used to be a pick me girl. Chasing all the bad boys who played hard to love. The ones who would treat you like garbage until you threatened to leave, and then cry the same sob story they did last time. Only ever ready to pacify as needed in the moment. That shit gets old.

Let me tell you something about knowing your worth. It doesn’t mean you will feel worthy all of the time. What it does mean is that even when you don’t feel like you’re worthy you’ve convinced yourself you are. It’s about what you know, and the only convincing you ever do is to yourself.

The older and more intentionally wise I become, I learn less is more. Real power is not so loud. And this Aries Eclipse won’t be either. Because understand this eclipse is ruled by Mars in Pisces, who is about to conjunct Saturn. An eclipse in the sign of rudeness and vulgarity, ruled by Mars in the sign of endless flow and unconditional love.

That’s the split in the matrix.

This eclipse is happening in the terms of Mercury, who is currently retrograde (Rx) in Aries. So we are already rethinking what it means to be independent, to chase a destiny, to assert ourselves. The South Node in Libra is about letting go of people pleasing, but we don’t leave behind the South Node. We sift the best from it and use it as a guide forward.

So, in Libra we learn that diplomacy and peace are the place we feel the best. And we start to recognize with the South Node there we can approach and assert from a place of peace, and not from desperation. So the North Node in Aries is about asserting boundaries in kind ways.

What are you trying to prove and what have you already proven to yourself? Because that’s the real solution. All that time you spend trying to convince everyone else you’re worthy is wasted. Do you think when the bridge collapsed the water wondered if it was still worthy to be called water?

No, the seas rage on.

Do you think when lightening and thunder light up the sky it cowers in imposter syndrome? Ha. It’s protesting a shadow aspect of its duality, and knows it will shine bright with the Sun again. It doesn’t ask permission to be water or sky. You don’t have to ask permission to be who you are.

This eclipse is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer. It’s new and fast healing of our identities. With Saturn in Pisces I told you it’s about building emotional discipline. It’s about manifesting who you are structurally on the inside before you manifest anything on the outside.

Embody who you are meant to be first. The ruler of this eclipse is in a sign that is more passive aggressive. It’s about to conjunct Saturn two days after the eclipse. So you’re feeling confident and ready, but then boom. A roadblock appears. And Mercury is also Rx, so forward movement isn’t as fast as you wish it was right now.

There is still something in you that has to be healed. Understand, you are who you convince yourself you are, and if you’re leaving that up to everyone else’s disrespect of you stop that. Someone’s unwillingness to treat you with respect and kindness has nothing to do with you unless you keep telling yourself that same lie and refuse to see the truth.

You decide which matrix you live in. You decide what to create from the darkness that lives inside of you. You decide whether or not you are ready to make a decision aligned with self-worth, even when you feel unworthy. Yes, it’s hard. But is where you are right now easy?

This is the crossroads. Will you continue on the path you’re on, trying to convince everyone else you’re worthy to be in their toxic presence? Or are you ready to convince yourself you’re worthy every time doubt creeps in? Because I assure you that is the road that leads to the shift, the change, the evolution that changes your entire life.

Fortune favors the brave.

There are moments I deal with imposter syndrome still. The difference is when those moments come I convince myself I am not an imposter. I remind myself that I show up consistently everyday, imperfect, but absolutely consistent and always growing.

That’s how I know that it doesn’t work to seek external validation. Understand, if you came up to me 55 minutes of every hour of every single day and inspired me, motivated me, made me feel validated, it wouldn’t matter if I fed my own doubt the other 5 minutes of those hours.

And that’s the lesson of the eclipse in Aries. The secret to life is to stop trying to convince everyone else you’re worthy, and start convincing yourself. Worthiness isn’t a feeling. It’s a knowing.

If there are any blockages it’s because the inner work needs to be addressed again. Without inner discipline you will forever lack outer discipline without burning yourself to the ground. What is the legacy you’re leaving for the people who come up behind you?

Let it be authentic.

Your rebirth is assured only if you use your mind wisely. Life can speed up and you can make your dreams real. But it’s going to require convincing yourself that I am telling you the truth. It requires you feeding that truth and starving your doubt. It requires emotional intelligence.

Pick a Pile:

From left to right is piles one through four. Choose whichever one speaks to you and scroll down to your message. If you are drawn to more than one pile feel free to read for them all. ❤


Pile One:

Before pulling cards I received a vision of your hands reaching up and parting the clouds. There is some sort of cloudiness you’ve been under that is clearing out with this eclipse. You’re making a different choice.

It reminds me of a quote:

“It takes deep integration work to bring forth the truth that most of us love to torture ourselves. We stay in endless, hellish patterns, unwilling to admit that often, we are the creators and performers of those patterns.

Until we tell ourselves the truth, we will unconsciously play the role of our tormentor.” ~ J. Mike Fields

Let’s pull some cards now…

So heavy on your mind is soul family. You want to feel connected to others on a deeper level. In order to create space for that you have to say no to the people who don’t offer that to you. It’s time to listen to the inner temple. Go beyond your heart and mind to your soul.

I think you bore easily. If things aren’t dramatic and chaotic you create that for yourself. It’s almost a way to avoid the healing work. You are dedicated to challenge and frustration because that’s what you were taught your entire life. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Healing just means being accountable for your own decisions without holding others responsible. They may have caused your pain, but it’s not up to them to heal it. Balance will be found when you recognize that change is constant. It’s not in a life that has no upheaval that balance is found. That life becomes rather boring and mundane.

It’s in how you handle the chaos and upheaval. This eclipse is your initiation into learning healthy connections. Whether with people, food, money, or whatever other pleasures you seek. I would look for your wealth to increase quite a bit, especially the month of August.

Some signs that you’re on the right path are a harp, bouquet, accusations that you are sick of, or a handshake or deal with a stranger. You may hear of a harp, see something about one online. Decide in the middle of more disrespect to respect yourself. Meet someone new who ends up changing your life. So don’t give up just yet.

The universe wants you to know that loss is part of life. And that some losses are later a welcome shift. Leaving situations that are no longer aligned with you is necessary now. It can be painful, of course, but the pain of staying is now worse than the fear of abandonment.

Tears and grief are okay. Don’t pretend you’re okay if you’re not. I promise the universe is never fooled. More than anything all it wants is for us to be authentic, and it understands that in order to be who we are there are others we are going to disappoint and have to walk away from.

Let your be broke open wide, so that it can be filled. Let go of what has passed and invite in what is to come. It gets better. ❤


Pile Two:

You’re sitting at a desk with a book, all smiles, and there are beautiful pink and purple flowers everywhere. The scene is vintage in my mind. I feel like this pile has a message coming through with this eclipse. It may be life changing. I see acknowledgement and people who are genuinely proud of you and whatever you’re accomplishing.

I haven’t pulled any cards for you yet. Stuff just keeps coming through. It feels like you used to just want the outcome, but somehow you’ve fallen in love with the process. It’s this love for the process, your endurance, your patience and temperance that has led to this moment.

Let’s go ahead and pull the cards…

This is a very different vibe than pile one. There is still work to do, but it’s not as internal. You have already reached a space where lack mindset is a thing of the past. You understand there is always enough. Your matrix is very different than it used to be.

You’ve learned to trust the great mystery of life. For you the work is to clear out the clutter. The physical clutter in your home. Organize and get rid of things that you no longer use. This is going to free up space for new material manifestations to come in.

You’ve dreamed an entire new world into being already, but now is an incredibly lucky time for you. You’re being instructed to watch and wait. But while you’re waiting create and free up physical space for the new. Let this be the graceful ending that leads to a new beginning.

This eclipse is ending anything that doesn’t fulfill you materially. There is celebration coming in through a message you receive. This message has you a bit dreamy and introspective. It may be something you’ve been manifesting for a while now. But word comes in that success is yours. And there is something about this tied to the month of March.

It’s bringing in stability and divine union with self. Patience is always required. What you do while you wait is up to you. I would use that space to create more space. You’re going to see signs. Maybe even as you’re cleaning and purging the physical clutter.

You’ll see a hand. There will be a bowl on a counter full of material things. Something new in the job or career sector. A ram. You’ve learned a lot about how to handle difficult people. There will be someone who offers you valid criticism, and it doesn’t matter if it’s constructive.

Your response can be.

The universe wants you to know how proud it is of you. The way you’ve chosen to be authentic and vulnerable, even though it’s terrifying. There is an amazing feeling when you let go and trust this is your tribe. I think you’re surrounded by people who love and value you.

Now it’s time to create space for the material abundance to match what is happening in your heart and soul. ❤


Pile Three:

Right away I feel like you’re exploring. I envision a child creating with clay and paints. It’s as if you’re discovering that you really do create your own reality. And that the universe isn’t made of matter, but of love. This eclipse is ushering in a huge boost to your creative side.

This feels like a project or idea that has been a long time in the making. You’re enjoying the process so much. I haven’t pulled any cards yet, but It just feels like you’re someone happy with simple things. You don’t want anything in excess. You just want enough.

I can see you sitting in a window with a book, sipping your tea while it rains, and feeling more content than ever. However, this feels like a comfort zone. If you’re alone nobody can hurt you.

Let’s pull some cards…

Everything is coming apart for you now. It’s time to choose a path. I think the hardest thing for you to do is decide where you’re going. It feels like you have this idea in mind of what you want to accomplish, but then get a bit lost. Right now is a good time to tap into the collective potential.

You have psychic gifts and intuition that you can’t even fathom. Speak to the universe, listen for answers, and act in faith, not fear. I think you’re afraid of being bored doing one thing, but I also believe one thing is what you’re meant to be focused on right now. It’s hard for you to commit.

However, building a tolerance for boredom could be what shifts everything for you. There is deep healing coming with this eclipse. I see wealth increasing astronomically, especially around October. But until you heal this idea that you always have to be inspired you will struggle.

It’s okay to be bored. It doesn’t mean you’re stuck. Commit to something and watch your fulfillment come rushing in. There is a masculine energy in your life that is emotional. If this person isn’t there now they will be. It feels like an anxious versus avoidant dynamic, but you’re the avoidant.

You feel like you’ve built so much and that includes walls that keeps out the good with the bad. And it doesn’t really keep out the bad. You will see dolphins, money increases, lightening, and finger pointing. You may feel like others are working against you, so some of your work is to convince yourself that just isn’t true.

Maybe it’s time to collaborate. The universe wants you to know it’s time to pump up the music. To align with your goals and dreams. They are so much bigger than you’ve convinced yourself they are. It’s time to go for it and trust fall into the purpose for your life.

Everything is going to turn out better than you expect. So if you’re doubting go within and convince yourself of that. It won’t matter that I said it. ❤


Pile Four:

This time I am seeing city streets at night. It’s quiet and you’re walking down the road with someone. It feels very happy. I think you’re going over all the good things that are happening in your life. You’re holding hands and chatting, so this may be a romantic partner or best friend.

There is a car and it slows down as it passes you. So maybe that’s a sign. You’re in the driver’s seat, and it may be time to rest or take it slow. It’s not a good time to be in the fast lane, or the same lane as everyone else. When you’re in your own lane there is no traffic.

It’s like you feel responsible for the world. You’re not. And even as you’re walking along and all seems content it isn’t. I felt anger at the car. You wanted it to not even be there. You view anything that takes you away from your own thoughts as a distraction. Time to broaden your view.

Let’s pull some cards…

You are someone who cleans up all the messes. You like to do things by the book, and have a certain way you want them done. This makes it so hard for others to help you. You are craving peace and the only way to find it is by networking with your higher self.

It’s letting your higher self convince your lower self that you deserve the peace and help. But legacy and stability are constant drivers for you. You work hard and don’t take enough time to rest or play. This eclipse is ushering in a perspective shift for you.

A message is coming in fast that lights you up. Any boredom you’ve been feeling will be gone. Sometimes you don’t see what is right in front of your face. But this offer or message comes with love written all over it. There is a fresh new beginning that charges you up, but don’t go full speed ahead.

Remember to rest and play. To meditate and listen to your intuition. You may also have a sharp tongue that you need to reconsider. I feel like you speak truth, but you speak it harsher than necessary to get your point across. If they aren’t getting your point it’s not what you say, but most likely how you’re saying it that is falling on deaf ears.

It hurts people and causes conflict. That is also ending. There is a sense of justice coming in for you. In January you started seeing sprouts of success with something. You will notice dragons, tents, flies, and an empty chair as signs you’re making progress or need to rethink something.

The universe wants you to know that there is more than just your side to every argument. There are thousands of ways to try to be right or prove a point to someone other than yourself. It is asking you to stop looking for points of disagreement and look for spaces of agreement.

Observe and discern, but accept that others have different experiences, stories they tell themselves, and beliefs. No matter what someone else presents you with it’s up to you to remain in control of yourself, your temper, and your tongue. ❤

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Thank you ❤



Inner Self Council
Inner Self Council

Written by Inner Self Council

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd

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