Capricorn Season: Structural Framework
Everything in the world is a mirror because we are all bits of the same thing experiencing itself in different forms. Diversity is an illusion. We really are all one. And it starts with the beliefs you move through the world with. Whatever you believe about the matrix it will mirror back to you.
Anything you do out of duty and obligation will reflect resentment if it’s not reciprocated or appreciated. If you are in that kind of situation it’s time to ask yourself what beliefs are holding you there?
Do you not believe you’re worthy of reciprocation and appreciation? Start there everyday for a bit. Just sit in that idea and recognize that along the way people who didn’t know their own worth stripped you of yours. But the whole time they could never really take it.
It’s still there. Just waiting for you to acknowledge it. The illusion is that people can take our power. We give it to them freely often enough. Man this year has been a record breaker in the lessons I’ve had to learn. The ones I repeated to see how I was going to show up this time.
And I’m so proud of how I’ve shown up. Imperfect but accountable. You have to believe you deserve it before the Universe can serve it. And as angry as we can get at the Universe sometimes it’s not doing it to hurt us. It’s just naturally the way things work.
The CIA basically said our world is a hologram. It fills in a lot of the gaps in quantum physics science. It bridges the gap between quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of relativity. It’s been a hard bridge to gap.
Quantum mechanics is a theory that describes things happening at very small scale change. It’s the theory of relativity that describes larger scale things like gravity and such. So before I go much further I want to talk about what a quantum leap is.
Around big transits and manifestation coaches, you will hear that term often. But did you read what I wrote above? Quantum mechanics is a theory that describes things happening at very small scale change.
And this is what Capricorn makes me think of. When we are talking about Capricorn we are talking about a Saturn ruled sign. A sign that is about structure and foundations. This sign is represented by the sea goat. A creature that belongs half to the earth and half to the water.
Water is the emotions and earth is the practical application. Right now, Capricorn’s ruler, Saturn, is in the watery depths of Pisces. Capitalism is failing and falling. We don’t need top down approaches anymore, and this is also where Pluto in Aquarius is coming in.
Saturn in Pisces is taking us back to our divine feminine roots. You are both divine masculine and feminine in one. There is a part of you that wants to be soft and yielding; to receive and give nurturing. And another part of you that angers, rises up, and takes action.
Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius, where Pluto is right now. So we’re answering to him big time. He’s currently opposing my natal Saturn, Moon, and North Node conjunction.
The way I have had to mature this year is astounding.
There is no greater way to live your life than to build the life of your dreams. And that starts with convincing yourself you are worthy of the life of your dreams. Instead, how often have you abandoned your dreams and everything else to try and prevent the inevitable rejection of others?
Everything in your life boils down to belief. What do you believe? Where did those beliefs come from? Do they feel authentic and good? Sort it out because you’re always manifesting whatever you put out, and that’s whether you’re conscious of it or not.
The small acts of sitting with yourself in reflection and meditation connect you to the source of all that is. That’s quantum mechanics and the theory of relativity. Small habits, small beliefs, small things can have big impact on your life. It’s not about perfection, but consistent progress.
If you wake up everyday and hate how you look, speak awful things to yourself and about yourself, you’re manifesting more misery. If instead you defy those thoughts, look at yourself in the mirror, and tell yourself you’re beautiful and there is none like you, it changes the game.
I promise if people are making you feel inferior it’s with your full consent.
So this Capricorn season I want you to take it slow. We still have Mars Rx in Leo, too, so we are working to discover what actions feel authentic to take, and worried about keeping our integrity with whatever that action is.
I want you to remember what I’ve said this entire time about Saturn in Pisces. It’s about the creation of the structure energetically first. You have to sit in the vibration of worthiness. So even when you don’t feel worthy you acknowledge it, meet yourself where you are, and walk yourself back to the truth of what you know…if all are worthy, well, that includes you.
Your beliefs are the structure that frame your entire life. No other person has the power to build an authentic life for you. What you believe about yourself is going to be how you speak about yourself. What you believe about money will determine the money coming into your life.
What you believe about other people will reflect back to you as you meet and connect with other people. You’re seeing the reflection of your inner world every time you’re frustrated with the external one. And there is a time you have to take accountability if you don’t like the reflection.
It’s your beliefs. You can decide at any moment in time to believe you’re worthy, and act on that, in spite of the fear and the unknown. Nothing else will ever change your life, and why on earth would you settle? Capricorn season, especially this year, is not about building external foundations.
This shit is within you. Jesus said the kingdom of god is within you because you are the Universe. You are the divine. And that needs to shine from the inside out. Whatever you have in you is all you have to give.
And when you lack self-control you try to control others. Capricorn can be hard edged and serious, stoic, but underneath it all they are some of the most sensual in the zodiac. The mountain the sea goat climbs is important, and that may look different for us all.
The only mountain you have to conquer is the mountain of false beliefs that you inherited about yourself and the world. It’s time to unlearn the bullshit and manifest the blessings. We no longer concern ourselves with others think or believe.
We understand that if we wake up everyday and align our beliefs the right people will manifest to us. We don’t have to fear abandonment when we stop abandoning ourselves. You have nothing to prove.
“There are many paths up the mountain. The only one wasting their time is the one running around, telling all the others they are on the wrong path.”
Capricorn doesn’t have time for that. This is where we have to understand that our job is not to control others, or get them to believe the same as us. It’s just to walk our path, live our beliefs, and let our fruit speak for itself.
Capricorn gets this reputation for working hard to provide a sensual life full of money and material gain, but that’s not the full story. The sea goat dove into the sea to escape earth. Because too much of a good thing can cause what you see happening in our world right now.
They say as above, so below, but I am telling you as below, so above. And Pluto in Aquarius is going to show you how small groups joining together create the largest comeback of the people you’ve ever seen.
It’s a reminder that without manifesting our dream life from a state of peace and love, as we grow less afraid of the shadows, we fall victim to excess and greed. We can’t take any of it with us.
The goal of meeting the shadow, that Capricorn bridge between the material and ethereal, isn’t to let it take over. It’s to acknowledge it, validate it, and use your higher wisdom (the light) to help it evolve. It’s about intentional evolution of emotional intelligence and self-respect.
It has taken me weeks to get this final lesson. I had to go into a space darker than any I’ve visited in years. But I trust the process. I know what I want and what is coming to me. I’m trusting my spleen. I’m trusting the astrology. I am trusting I’m going to be okay no matter what.
Because I will be. ❤
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