Capricorn Season 2024 Horoscopes: Go Ghost
When you finally get the courage to leave an abusive or toxic situation without saying a word you’re not ghosting them. You’re protecting yourself. And when you quietly exit a relationship after a boundary you expressed had been violated once more, you’re not ghosting anyone.
You’re walking in self-respect.
You’re teaching people how to treat you. And let me tell you the breakthroughs I’ve had the past week are incredible. Real confidence and power is quiet. I’m not going to tell you what you already know, and can’t seem to align with. That work is all yours.
I know my worth, and you questioning yours will not trip me up any longer. I’m moving into the next year with a true invite only perspective. This energy isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay. They claim to want it, but when it challenges them to grow and evolve they run from it.
I don’t want cowards in my life.
It’s hibernation season. It’s not that you won’t be occupied, but you’re going to be entertaining your own whimsey. You’re going to figure out who you are and what you want. You’re going to work on believing in yourself.
Because if Capricorn is the structure of something it is your beliefs. Capricorn speaks to the material world you build, and that world will only feel as good as you believe you’re worthy of feeling. So let’s stop hiding in drugs, alcohol, food, and unhealthy habits.
Let’s face our shit and move on with our lives. It’s not about never feeling it. You’re going to feel it sometimes. So it’s more about understanding the sea goat, which represents Capricorn. And understanding what the ruler of Capricorn is doing in Pisces.
We are no longer speaking our desires, needs, and boundaries over and over again. We are not going to reward inconsistency with consistent attempts to get them to one day match our energy and raise up to our level.
We are no longer serving that. We are going ghost. And if those people are meant to be on our path they will elevate themselves and find you when the time is right. Let the seeds you planted settle and see if they water them.
You’re going to go within and take self-awareness and emotional intelligence with you. You’re going to sit with your shadows, your triggers, your uncomfortable shame. And you’re going to hear it, and you’re going to feel it, and you’re going to talk to it.
You’re going to finish reparenting yourself in the gentle, loving ways you should have been parented with in the first place. And you’re not going to manipulate and lead people on. You’re not going to invest and invest when the reward is little to nothing in return.
You are going ghost.
Let’s talk about why based on your Rising Sign
Leo Rising:
Right now is the time to go ghost in order to figure out what routines will best serve your health and wellness in the material world. You are motivated to learn and feel like you have a purpose right now, and it’s likely somehow related to home, family, or property.
Mars being Rx in your 1st house is asking you to clean up your act. To care about your body and the things you’re putting into it. To choose health and wellness in order to be alive longer and love your family for years to come. Leo Risings don’t generally come from idyllic childhoods.
Right now you’re being offered the gift of breaking generations of patterning that could end with you. You have the power to be the one who says it stops right here. But your beliefs could sabotage it all.
Mars is Rx in the house of your identity. It’s forcing you to go within and ask yourself what you want. What feels authentic, good, and loving. It’s asking you to be a person of integrity.
You are questioning everything. Mars rules the house of home and family, as well as the house of higher beliefs. I told you Capricorn is the structure you build on, and that structure will only be as good as you believe you’re worthy of creating. It has so little to do with hard work and effort.
Mars also rules your 9th house of beliefs. As I stated, Capricorn is the structure and your beliefs are what that structure is built on. It’s time to go ghost, so you can convince yourself you deserve the glow up that is coming.
This entire time the ruler of Capricorn Season is Saturn in Pisces. This is your 8th house. You’re maturing like never before in terms of healing and emotional intelligence. Learning the difference between empathy and enabling others to do themselves and you harm.
You are being forced to mature and set boundaries on the ones who want to be close to you. Make them earn that right. And don’t sabotage the ones who do because your beliefs are shaky about who you are, and what you want out of life. What a pity to waste it away. Time for the level up.
And now we have Pluto in Aquarius, who next year will trine Uranus after he moves into your Gemini 11th house. If you let the wrong people go right now, wow are you rewarded later. Unexpected and powerful benefactors are going to be entering your life.
Many of you are focused on creative projects, and I encourage you to work on those as you go ghost. Invest in your vision for your own life. I promise if you just align with your passions and your soul the rest will fall into place. The right people, places, and things will be attracted to you.
You have a Capricorn sixth house. So this Capricorn season rethink what it means to work and take care of yourself. Shift your mindset around hustle culture, and understand the real work is strengthening the right beliefs. People act like that isn’t the hard work! You know better.
Pluto is done with that house for good for now. You’ve been through the ringer as he transformed what it means to work, have routines, and be of service to the world and those around you. The tower has fallen and everything is at the foundation. What beliefs will you use to rebuild?
From now through the end of April, Mars is demanding you look at your family in a new light. That you process the trauma they caused you. That you take action to right any trauma you caused your own children as you were trying to sort it all out.
This energy is asking you for full accountability and authenticity, and a lot of people are terrified of that. Please don’t let that be you. And if you are afraid may you love yourself enough to conquer every fear you ever had.
Today Venus and Jupiter are in a trine. This is perfect for you to speak your truth and decide that your dreams and ambitions are greater than any relationship that threatens to hold you back. Or maybe this is you no longer sabotaging relationships that can help you thrive and feel powerful.
Virgo Rising:
You’re going ghost from children, romantic partners, normal ways of seeking pleasure and fun. You’re going ghost from a project that inspired you, but is now feeling like more than you can chew. You’re letting yourself rest and slowly build the confidence to restart again.
Mars is Rx in your 12th house and will be moving back into the 11th. There are secrets you keep even from yourself. You’re being asked to be honest about where you’ve lacked confidence and courage, and to build some now.
Mars rules your Aries 8th house, as well as your Scorpio 3rd. This is about rethinking what it means to partner with others, share money and resources, or be intimate and vulnerable with them. This period is challenging every grudge you’ve ever held.
Your motivation is that you want life to be fun and easy. With a Capricorn 5th house you are hard on yourself. This misinterpretation or shadow of Capricorn has been exposed already. Stop working your life away constantly trying to correct everything external to you.
It’s time to correct yourself. You have Saturn in the Pisces 7th house, ruling this Capricorn Season. Partner with people who are mature and emotionally intelligent. Those who are already spiritual and evolving. You’re not Mr or Mrs Build them all up.
You’re causing your own resentment. Every time you keep investing in someone that has shown you more than once they won’t appreciate it you are choosing that. You can choose to stop investing. To go ghost.
People should have enjoyed you while you were delusional. Because you are no longer that. Neptune in that 7th house has given up the game. And Pluto has already crumbled whatever beliefs you had around children, romance, fun, and pleasure.
It’s time to figure out how you want to rebuild that. And with Mars Rx in the 12th and then 11th you convince yourself to believe in your dreams, and the worthiness alive in you to build them. With Pluto in the sixth house make intentional transformation part of your daily routine.
From now until the end of April Mars is demanding you work through whatever is left of the imposter syndrome, self-judgement, and doubt. It’s time to go ghost and build the confidence you need to conquer the next level because if you do, wow does everything change for you.
You have the potential to earn massive passive income if you were to start a podcast or write a book. Especially if it was about a deeper topic that can help transform people’s lives. But you have to stop chasing your people, and trust they will find you. You have to let go of control.
This is about surrender.
With Pluto in the 8th house you’re ready to transform your deepest relationships, and it’s such a great omen for passive income, and being able to make money that doesn’t require extensive effort.
With Venus trine Jupiter today there is favor for you in work and career. Your public image can be improved. There may be more and more recognition as you move forward. And the whole time you’re still ghost.
You’re just working alone or with a partner behind the scenes on things that excite you and putting it out there. And serving your authenticity could end up serving your wallet.
Libra Rising:
Go ghost from home and family. Take you a trip to see family if you haven’t seen them in a while. Maybe your family is going ghost from you. Whatever this season brings it’s requiring a level of devotion to your dreams that you’ve never had before.
With the 4th house ruler transiting your Pisces 6th I’m sure you’ve had some health things come up for you. It is the beliefs you inherited about home and family that have brought you to this space.
Something you were likely taught in childhood about the image being more important than what was going on behind closed doors. You’re being forced to mature in what it means to take care of yourself. To not escape in bad habits and learn how to flow into wellness.
With Mars Rx in the 11th and moving back into the 10th you may be rethinking your entire life direction. The goals you’ve always chased were not your own. They were what everyone else wanted from you.
And that’s what you’re letting go. You’re releasing this need for an image to be maintained. Mars rules your 7th house, as well as the 2nd. So you may partner with someone in real estate or property that could benefit you financially for years to come.
With Pluto having entered your 5th house the home and family sector will get a break. But right now go ghost. Take the time to clean up the mess left behind from older ideals that shattered. You have to feel like you’re enough without the family in order to truly appreciate it when it comes.
Sometimes family are our worst enablers. Time to rethink what you do for fun, how you approach your children or romantic partners. To transform creative projects and express yourself more authentically.
With Mars being the ruler of the 2nd and 7th, it’s possible a partner comes into your life who can benefit you. Who challenges your values and ethics. Who sees things in you that you which have always been there, but no one else ever pointed out in quite the same way before.
Pay attention to what people say to you without taking it personal. Use those mirrors as they were intended. To stop and fix your reflection. To go ghost and sit in that discomfort, so that you can tolerate it and change it without projecting it onto everyone around you.
With Jupiter in the 9th house you have such a gift right now. If beliefs are the foundation and the 9th house is beliefs, you’re being expanded in an incredible way. I can’t wait to see where you are when Uranus and Pluto trine next year.
From now until end of April you’re really working through what actions you want to take next, and it should be whatever feels the most authentic, and is going to take the most courage. Blow your own fucking mind.
Today Venus and Jupiter are in a trine from your 5th to the 9th. What a beautiful conversation you had today at some point, I’m sure. Likely more toward the evening. And you mean well, I think, but right now you know you’re just not ready, and so you speak your truth.
And you go ghost to walk through the shadows and offer them some light.
Scorpio Rising:
This is a time to repair your mindset and perspective on life. To go ghost from the people you normally see and chat with everyday. To reconsider the environment you’ve living in and wanting to be part of everyday.
Saturn in the 5th house, as Capricorn’s ruler, is forcing you to mature right now. People you’ve hung out with who enable the worst in you may have to be removed from your life. With Mars Rx in the tenth house it’s time to consider your public image and reputation.
When you don’t take yourself seriously no one else does either.
And Mars is your ruler, so that makes this even more important. He’s going to go Rx again into the 9th house of beliefs. And I told you that beliefs are the foundation, not exerted effort. So sit and convince yourself that everything you want is already yours.
This is a lesson in alignment. Especially with Pluto entering your 4th house. You’re going to see where your family of origin, who may have once caused your deepest wounds, can help you heal them now. Your home and family is ready for upheaval and major shifts and transformations.
Mars also rules the Aries 6th house, which means any bad habits that are not serving your health and wellness should be released at this time. You need to respect your body and how you are perceived by the world. This is great energy sit with the idea that you have a purpose.
Now through the end of April work on routines and patterns that serve your higher vision for yourself and your life. Saturn is not trying to strip the fun out of your life. He is showing you that the way you build structure and stability is to have fun and sit in the vibration of it first.
And today we have this beautiful Venus trine to Jupiter. This is your 4th house to your 8th. You could have a deep conversation with someone who means a lot to you. Maybe just feel good about where you are in general relationship wise. Perhaps it’s easier to let people down softly.
It’s also possible you benefited from someone else’s resources, even if that resource was knowledge and deep information. Good secrets or surprises could be revealed to you. Patterns are starting to appear.
Sagittarius Rising:
This is the 2nd house. Your finances, self-worth, and values may have gone to extremes for the past fifteen years. Lots of upheaval and transformation. Now all that is left is the rubble. And so go ghost as you clean it up.
Don’t entertain anyone who isn’t on your level of emotional intelligence. With Mars Rx in the 9th house, ruling your 5th and 12th, this will be romantic partners for a lot of you. Your beliefs around having to perform for them is what keeps you stuck in that loop.
Stop performing and go ghost.
Now is a time to focus on shifting your mindset and perspective on life since Pluto has moved on to the third house. There is a message you’ve been dying to speak, but now isn’t the time. From now until the end of April you will be dealing with this energy.
Saturn as Capricorn’s ruler, is in your Pisces 4th house. Stay at home and mature on your own. Stop trying to find salvation in others, or to be their salvation to prove a worth that doesn’t exist down that path. You will look forever and always come up empty on that road.
Mars ruling the 5th and 12th is already letting us know you’re meant to heal trauma from when you were a child, or heal your relationship with your own children, by helping them work through theirs, even when it’s hard. Your beliefs are going to play a pivotal role moving forward.
Mars will move back into the 8th house before he is done. Prompting you to take action behind the scenes. To meet and have deep discussions. To reconsider passive income ideas that you may have given up in the past. To discover what you’re good at that may help you financially.
Maybe there is something you can teach others. Maybe you need to pay for someone to teach you. But this relates to the home and family and the beliefs you’ve had your entire life because of how well your home life was, or it wasn’t. Connect with higher minded people one on one.
Go ghost from groups and parties. That Gemini 7th house can get you caught up in feeling good in the moment, without considering the longer-term implications. With Pluto in the 3rd it’s time to talk to people close to you who can show you the way.
And I promise that even if your life isn’t perfect it can be so much better than it is. You have to swallow your pride and the need to be right. You have to let the right people in, and stop performing for the wrong ones, hoping they somehow dissipate all your walls. That’s an inside job.
This energy is now through the end of April. Once Mars moves into your Virgo tenth house in June you’re ready to be seen in a new light. The inner work you do over these next months determines everything.
And no one can convince you that you’re worthy except for you, and if you do need help walking back to that space call the right people. Not those who are going to feed your delusion and victimhood.
Today Venus is trine Jupiter from your 3rd to your 7th. It’s a great day to reach out to someone you know will make you feel inspired and ready. To sort out the patterns in your life and shift the perspective. To expand into spiritual, more philosophical relationships.
Capricorn Rising:
This is your identity, loves. Pluto has been wreaking havoc on you and your body and how you show up. He’s done there now, and has moved on to the 2nd house. To force you to look at where you’re not valuing yourself.
Go Ghost from intimate partners a bit. Learn to be courageous and find depth on your own. Mars is Rx in the 8th house, and will be moving back into your 7th. You may actually be contemplating leaving a connection somewhere between now and the end of April.
You’ve lost yourself in everyone else your entire life. People have convinced you that your emotions do not matter, only theirs. You have been forced to be stoic and deal with some incredible hardships and immense pain.
Mars rules your 11th and your 4th house. You have big dreams when it comes to your home and family, but you’ve been shown over and over that those dreams need a lot of revision. Go ghost from catering to others.
With the ruler, Saturn, being in the Pisces 3rd house, mature your mindset. Communicate with emotional intelligence. Understand that your beliefs about the world play such a huge role in what you believe you deserve. You’re far too critical of yourself. Time to go ghost and give yourself grace.
And as Mars in the Leo 8th house demands authenticity and integrity in your closest connections, from now until the end of April, things are going to shift on a cellular level. This is about shifting beliefs about connecting that have been buried in your deep psyche.
Beliefs about having to conform to everyone else’s demands to have any worth or value, only to still be treated like shit. Go ghost. You don’t owe anyone an explanation or a word. They know what they are doing by now.
Go ghost from the depths with other people, and just keep it all surface level, as you heal and convince yourself you deserve more. See, I don’t care how many times I have to start over I will. There is no settling with me. I want to level up with somebody, or I will do it alone.
And this in between space from now until end of April is perfect to formulate your beliefs and then make a plan. Learn the lesson that Pluto taught you already once at this degree. You were already shown who doesn’t value you, and now it’s time to value yourself.
Today we have Venus in the 2nd house trine Jupiter in your Gemini 6th house. You could have had a good time with a coworker, been recognized at work or out in the world for something you did. Good time to have a conversation with a woman who inspires you.
Saturn in your Pisces 3rd house is your ruler. This is about changing how you view yourself and how hard you invest in others. Saturn rules your 1st and your 2nd house. That’s where you’re meant to invest, and it may be time to wrap up these karmic cycles you keep taking part in.
Aquarius Rising:
For you, this is the 12th house of the self-undoing. Pluto has wreaked havoc there for a very long time, but he’s done now. Now we go ghost to clean up the subconscious beliefs that are no longer serving us.
With the ruler, Saturn, in your Pisces 2nd house this is about releasing the last bit of beliefs surrounding what you deserve to earn, the money in your accounts, what you value and why. Maybe you were taught not to value money and ease, but this is a false belief.
Saturn rules your 12th and your 1st. What beliefs about yourself need to mature before you can truly move forward with your life? Because Mars is Rx in the Leo 7th house. So for a lot of you this is about no longer lying to yourself about the people in your life.
Those one-on-one personal or professional connections that do not feel authentic, or isn’t built on your self-respect and self-confidence, have to be released now. Mars will be moving back into the Cancer sixth house. You know your habits need to change.
And you’re not going to change your habits around people whose habits are just as unhealthy as yours. Mars rules your 3rd house, as well as your 10th. So much of this is you have hermitted yourself your entire life, and it may be time to slowly ease into letting yourself truly shine.
You’ve always been the one trying to polish off everyone else, and convince them of the good that exists within them, all while they stripped you of all that was good in you. That changes now. Ghost them all if you have to.
Pluto in your first house is not fucking around. It’s forcing you to face your deepest shadows and transform them. You’re not going to be the same the longer this transit plays out.
With Saturn in the Pisces 2nd it’s time to mature and value yourself. You have the potential to make a lot more money, too. What needs to shift is your belief in yourself. Your trust and surrender to the Universe.
All of this energy is swirling around through end of April. You just can’t fake it anymore. Not for one second with anyone. Give you real or get the fuck out of your face. That’s the energy here.
And today as Venus in the first house formed a trine to Jupiter in the 5th a creative spark or idea may have come to you regarding creative ways to make more money. It involves letting yourself be seen in some way.
Maybe you end the evening with a conversation with a beautiful friend. Had a beautiful day with your children. Find new motivation through their eyes, or the full release of your last romantic partner.
Blow the rubble away. Time to build anew. This time with the belief that you’re worthy of all your heart desires.
Pisces Rising:
This is about your Capricorn 11th house. The house of high hopes, dreams, and ambitions. You have certainly been through it. Go ghost from old dreams and goals. Go ghost from benefactors, networks, groups, whoever is in the way of really achieving what you want.
With ruler Saturn in the 1st house it’s time to mature and take more responsibility for why things have failed so far. For the choices you’ve made to keep entertaining the wrong way to keep a false sense of peace.
Mars is Rx in the Leo 6th house and will move back into the Cancer 5th house. I do believe there is potential here to revamp your ideas. Mars rules the 2nd and 9th houses. The only thing preventing you from bringing in extra money is yourself. Your beliefs about yourself and what you deserve.
Now you’ve got Pluto in the Aquarius 12th house trying to liberate you from the constant self-sabotage you parade as empathy and compassion or fatigue from trying to save everyone else pain at your own expense.
Go ghost and figure out what it is you value. From now through the end of April this energy is at play. Discovering the ways in which you’ve held yourself back. Pluto is a guiding light, just not a comfortable one. Now is the time to expand your capacity to hold space for discomfort.
There is a lot of transformation available to you surrounding your purpose and higher wisdom right now. It starts with creating a routine practice of self-awareness and intentional evolution. A dedicated moment daily to sit and convince yourself, in spite of the shame and shadow, you’re worthy.
Now is a time to take yourself more seriously. To stop feeling like it’s your job to constantly hand the reigns over to someone else. Along the way you were taught not to trust yourself, and it’s damaged you beyond belief.
The good news is your brain is magic. You can retrain it and it can create entire new synapses and patterns. Go ghost and work on that a while.
From now through the end of April it’s really time to figure out what health and wellness, what creativity, fun, pleasure, and peace look like for you. Then have the courage to say no to anything that doesn’t fit your vision.
We are done painting red flags green.
We wave the white flag of surrender to the Universe. Which is a perfect segway to mention that today, Venus is trine Jupiter. This is your 2nd and 4th house. Seek refuge in those closest to you. The people who feel like home and warmth and comfort.
Stay away from the ones who make you feel forgotten and cold.
Aries Rising:
Your career, life path, and reputation has shifted a lot the past fifteen years. You may be in an entire new industry. This Capricorn season isn’t about making moves for you. The ruler, Saturn, is in the Pisces 12th house, but I don’t know if you’ve been listening. Slow down.
You may have a harder time with this since we are talking about the tenth house. But right now the ruler of that house is hidden in the 12th. He also rules the 11th. So it’s a great time to find peace collaborating with someone you trust who inspires you.
But I would ghost your public image. I would stop caring what other people think. Mars is Rx in the Leo 5th house, and he will dip back into the 4th. He is your ruler and also rules the 8th house. So let’s break that down.
You cannot be so concerned with your public image, that your home and family suffer around your heightened delusion. If you are taking action to put yourself out there it has to come from an authentic space. Not the latest trend or tip that every other person is going on about.
The work you’re meant to put out into the world is much deeper than that.
You feel that but are terrified of it. Your beliefs around putting yourself out there are drenched in someone teaching you that imperfection meant unworthy or not enough.
That if you couldn’t keep up a facade, that no other human could, you were somehow never good enough. And so your entire life you have performed.
It’s time stop now. To ghost the idea that in order to attract what you need you have to be someone you’re not. Pluto is in the Aquarius 11th house. You’re eclectic and so are your people. You can’t be worried what everyone else thinks because you will sabotage the ones who love you most.
For what? A pipe dream that won’t come true because you’re hustling from unworthiness, instead of flowing in receptivity? Saturn in the 12th ruling the 10th and 11th is about surrounding yourself with a diverse group of people, who accept you as you are.
It’s hard to get the world to understand you when you fail to open up to the people in your immediate world.
The people you can really let down your guard with are so important, and if you’re not careful you could lose them. This could cost you a family, a relationship to an important child in your life. A romantic partner.
Now is not the time to double down on the shadow of Capricorn. The rubble is all that is left. So go ghost and clean it up. Then rebuild with the belief that you don’t have to be on top to be good enough.
With the idea that collaborating and delegating to the wrong people makes you suffer, but it’s not the collaborating and delegating. It’s the people you choose to do it with. Or it’s the idea that you can do it all by yourself. You are an Aries Rising after all.
Today, Venus in the 11th is trine Jupiter in the 3rd. Great day to chat with a friend who can inspire you regarding a book, a podcast, just a good conversation. Since Venus rules the 2nd and 7th, this could be about collaborating on something that can bring in big money.
Go ghost on the belief that having enough is hard.
Taurus Rising:
Your beliefs have shifted in huge ways that most people would gasp at. Pluto has been skipping through your 9th house of higher purpose and beliefs for fifteen years, but he is done now. He’s moved on to the tenth house, where your life direction and reputation are.
This means you have to believe you're worthy of being in rooms with powerful people because you are a powerful person. And with the ruler, Saturn, in the 11th house you’re meant to take the lead. To mature in the area of networking and ambition.
Mars is currently Rx in the 4th house of home and family, and soon will make his way back to the third. You’re really contemplating whether your current home and family situation is one of integrity and authenticity.
There is this tension because as you’re starting to feel more powerful out in the world I think at home the story is different. And that misalignment has been felt for a long time now.
You often feel like you perform for everyone else, but when it comes to validation and reciprocation it is often absent. Mars rules your 7th house of close personal and professional partnerships, as well as the house of the hidden shadows that push us into self-sabotage.
Where are you allowing your home and family to prevent you from asserting yourself and your needs? Why do you keep abandoning yourself to keep others from abandoning you when that will never feel good?
Some of these transits may lead to the dissolution of your current home and family life. It’s that or it massively transforms and they consider your needs. But make sure you’re open for compromise.
You cannot take resentment into a conversation about what can be done in the present to create a different future. That resentment won’t be an authentic lawyer to plead your case. Compromise is good, but not if you’re the only one ever having to do it.
From now through the end of April this energy will keep playing out. Something could just come out of nowhere that changes everything. It could also be you and a partner leveling up due to the powerful rooms you enter, and your family benefitting from the community you’re building.
It’s not all doom and gloom. Especially today, as Venus in your tenth house formed a trine to Jupiter in your Gemini 2nd. You could have made a lot of money today. Something major boosted your confidence.
You got to show something publicly that felt good. You felt valued today in some way. There is goodness as you lay your head down to sleep. Maybe the new way you’re carrying yourself out in the world will inspire and shift the way you’re carrying yourself at home. A quiet demand for respect.
Go ghost from anything that takes your alignment off your vision.
Gemini Rising:
The area of shared and joint resources has been a sore spot for years. You are now left in this rubble of what it means to bear your soul and share everything with someone else. Power dynamics have come up a lot.
And with Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, swimming through the Pisces tenth house you’ve been asked to be more responsible by taking your power back. By not caring how others will view a big change that you know has been such a long time coming.
Saturn rules your 8th, but also your 9th. Your beliefs around joining resources with others, what it means to be vulnerable and really connect with other people, have to change. You keep leaving yourself behind to prevent people from leaving who should have been gone from your life.
Mars being Rx in the Leo third house this could have a lot to do with extended family, friendships, lifelong contacts. It’s going to Rx back into the Cancer 2nd. Are these connections really of value? Does time mean more than integrity and authenticity?
Mars rules your 6th and 11th. It’s possible you could want to work on something big with someone else. Maybe the trust isn’t there because you haven’t learned how to trust yourself. Ghost trusting other people for right now. Learn to convince yourself you will be fine no matter what.
Maybe new people are entering your life. Pluto has begun a two decade stay in the Aquarius 9th house. These people are teachers. Let them come.
Your beliefs over the next twenty years will shift so massively that people won’t believe it’s really you. You may divorce, marry, move out of the country, do something that radically redefines you.
A lot of this could be coming from Uranus in the 12th house. Radical and sudden inner shifts. Ghost everything that you have built from a space of fear and not enough. Rebuild with new, different beliefs as the foundation.
From now through the end of April you’re not rethinking everything. You’ve already done that. Now you’re plotting the next move. You’re building up the belief system you need to carry out what is next.
Align with the belief that you can and you’re worthy and you're unstoppable. Let’s ghost doubt. That may have been easier this evening as Venus in the 9th formed a trine to Jupiter in the Gemini 1st house.
What an expansive time for you. Jupiter in the first is about seeing yourself from a higher perspective. Maybe someone crossed your path today who helped you do that. Venus rules the Libra 5th and Taurus 12th. Perhaps something great happened for one of your children or a grandchild.
Some milestone was reached.
Cancer Rising:
For you, the relationships in your life, whether personal or professional, have been put through the ringer. Pluto was having people you’re connected with show you how you treat yourself, how you feel about yourself, and what your level of belief in yourself has been.
The rubble is all that is left. You’ve already made up your mind most likely, whether you’re going to commit further, or release them. Ghost other people’s opinions of that if they are feeding the same old trauma bond noise. And trust your intuition.
Saturn is the Pisces 9th house, ruling this season. That is the house of beliefs. You’re meant to mature in your understanding of your purpose, and convince yourself you deserve to walk in it. Saturn rules the Capricorn 7th, and the Aquarius 8th, where Pluto just entered.
There is a tremendous shift in the power dynamics of your deepest connections. You may be meeting powerful people who can help you earn passive income or earned income doing something you love. Ghost whatever doesn’t align with that, or tries to hold you back.
Mas is Rx in the 2nd house of finances, self-worth, and what you value. He’s going to move back into the 1st house of identity. How do you view yourself in terms of the wealth you deserve? And how can you earn money in a way that feel authentic and leads to something from the heart?
Mars rules the Scorpio 5th house, and the Aries tenth. Maybe you’re an artist or always wanted to be. There is an avenue of creativity in you that you could become well-known for. But you have to belief in yourself, and stop selling your power and self-respect so cheap.
Know your worth and then add tax. From now through the end of April you will question everything but yourself. You’re ghosting the idea that you’re not enough. You’re leaving behind the belief that suffering is life.
You deserve the love and care you offer others so freely. Pluto in the 8th house can bring powerful people into your life that can help you create massive wealth, but if you’re holding onto the past it cannot come in.
If you don’t believe you deserve it how can the Universe serve it? Today Venus in your 8th house is trine Jupiter in the 12th. These are deep psyche breakthroughs in terms of the ways you sabotage yourself and how to stop.
You’re rethinking the strategy that will move you forward and contemplating the next step. You are clear about what you want when you’re honest.
This trine could have been a huge inner breakthrough. Some sort of subconscious, knowing, and growth. It could be the start of something very meaningful and prosperous in your life.
Ghost believing you deserve anything but the best.
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