Beauty and the Beast: Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Adjust Your Sails
8 min readMar 24, 2024

What if God really is one of us? What if the duality that exists is meant to help God understand us, and us to understand God? When I say God I do not subscribe to any of the organized religions versions of God. I mean the universe and the connected consciousness that exists within us.

The human part of us is as real as the ethereal part. And they have to learn to co-exist within us before we ever stand a chance at co-existing with each other. Every one of us has a side of us that wants to be consistent in living out our core values. However, the other side of us is human and often traumatized, and so we sabotage our higher selves.

We do not battle with each other at the end of the day. We battle in each other the duality we cannot reconcile in ourselves. This is why we judge harshest that which we dislike most in ourselves. There is a part of you that truly feels destined to be alive. There is a purpose and a passion.

But every time you’re asked to step up, to be seen, to step into that purpose, you let the shadow take the lead. The secret is to learn to keep the shadow company, and reassure it that everything is going to be alright. It’s why your own voice is the most meaningful you will ever hear.

I’ve had to reckon with some things about myself lately that haven’t been easy to reckon with. These are things that others likely see very clearly, but I wasn’t quite aware enough to notice in myself until now. This easily stirs up the side of me that tries to thwart my own sense of destiny.

The shame of imperfection and the inability to live up to my own standards and values every moment of every single day. The shadow and the light that lives in us all. And with the Nodes in Aries and Libra isn’t that iconic? To chase emotional sovereignty and kindly asserting ourselves.

It’s Aries season, friends. The season where the destiny is on display. The North Node has been here and we are having an eclipse Monday in the opposite sign of Libra, where the South Node is. Then another one in Aries on April 8th. Who are you and who are you committing to?

In my case I have to commit more to myself. I am committed to everyone else. That’s why I wake up everyday and do the work. But there is still this part of me that cares very deeply what others think of me. Being a Leo Rising ruled by an Aquarius Sun means I have a hard time letting myself shine. I may want praise, but I want it from people I’m close to and love.

And because my Moon is in Virgo conjunct Saturn, I can’t accept it if it isn’t authentic. I will dissect it to pieces. There are some ties being cut with this eclipse on Monday, and I’ve already known for a while where those are at in my life, but I didn’t want to accept it. Acceptance of it is what ushers in my real destiny, and what I’m actually aligned with.

There are so many of you who can feel a sudden and swift shift in your destiny coming, and you are doing your best to prepare for it. To accept the shame gremlins, as Brene Brown calls them, and love your imperfect but consistent attempts to be who you say you are. To take accountability.

To learn to grow your tolerance for shame, imposter syndrome, whatever it is you battle when something big comes your way. Because every next level requires a new version of you, and it’s normal that the current version would be frightened and unsure. We like what we can see in the tangible world, but the truth is the tangible world is created within no matter what.

When I was hard on myself, when I was my own worst critic, when I sought nothing but validation for my victimhood, that was my life. I didn’t view it as a choice the way I see it was now, but nonetheless, I chose that. My life was miserable. Hard things happened and the person who said he loved me always made it worse. He made our lives hell every single day.

And when I changed how I talked to myself, when I chose to believe those who did the work before me, when I chose to employ the tactics I use everyday, slowly but surely my entire environment changed. And I can feel that happening again in a different way now.

This eclipse on Monday is at five degrees Libra. This is a lunar eclipse, which means the Sun and Moon are opposite each other. Because this is a Full Moon on an eclipse it dims the light some. To me this lets us know that whatever we are releasing it’s easier to do than it’s been in the past.

Don’t believe all the hype. This Libra eclipse is not as potent as other eclipses can be. This is a subtle release and letting go of what and who has been draining you. This is us finding clarity in releasing codependency. You do not need external validation for an internal sense of destiny.

What was happening around October 14th for you? I will be going back and consulting my journal from that time. This is a likely another culmination of whatever was going on then. Some final goodbye that everyone sort of knew was coming, but nobody wanted to admit.

This is energy highlighting relationship patterns. It’s time to cut ties with any energy within ourselves or others that disempowers us. The inner work is absolutely draining, but in the end it frees up space for our destiny to be made manifest. This is a Venus ruled eclipse.

And what is the ruler doing? She is exalted in Pisces, her most divine feminine self, having just formed a conjunction to Saturn. Saturn is teaching her that boundaries and inner alignment is the way forward. And sometimes when we are aligning we have to release what can’t go with us.

This is how you use astrology to grow and evolve as a person. Knowing the transits alone is powerful, but knowing your own chart even more so. This is an energy telling you that you can’t keep dimming your own light to help everyone else shine. You’re the main character, not the supporting role.

The price of staying small is too large to pay. Losing your connection to yourself, your agency, your authenticity, is not worth it anymore. Lines are being drawn in the sand, on which side do you stand? And for some of us, this is more about how we are still behaving than how others behave.

It’s asking us to look at the way we are relating to others. Where we are doing that through unhealthy and hurtful behaviors. See, the Moon in Libra wants to be fair and diplomatic, but the Sun in Aries doesn’t care about tact when authenticity is at risk. This eclipse highlights this energy.

I know I can often lack tact and it’s become crystal clear to me lately. And it’s fine to say the facts do not care about your feelings, but feelings do not care about the facts, either. So where does this leave us? It’s time to make some emotional declarations at this eclipse.

This eclipse is trine Pluto in Aquarius. Your psychic senses come to life under this energy. Everything you feel is more powerful, and transformation is what brings you peace. Where is Libra in your chart because that’s where the changes are taking place.

During this eclipse Venus is also sextile Jupiter, which is great for positive growth. It paints a pleasant and cooperative picture. You may meet some new and powerful people who become good friends or mentors. You may meet someone you’re meant to mentor.

Another take on this energy is for those of you, who like me, can’t let yourself just relax and enjoy the moment. The Venus conjunction to Saturn is about scheduling pleasure into our days. Making it part of our everyday structure and routine. It’s okay to pause for laughter and joy.

Use this energy to do some more inner healing. We only want to merge with what is authentic, and in order to merge with authenticity we must be vulnerable with ourselves and others. That’s why so many people won’t do it, and they will settle for second best or dead last.

Where are you still participating in conversations that are not aligned with the higher version of you? I noticed myself slipping into it. Five degrees of Libra is a freedom in how we relate, the ending or start of relationships, the resolving of old things. The past coming back for closure.

So often on our quest for peace and harmony we engage in comfort zones that are anything but peaceful and harmonious. You’re being asked to create a legacy from a space of fairness, but that means in a way that is fair to you, too. Not just fair for others.

The way we relate to everything is changing. You’re not alone in feeling this energy coming in. Many lives are going to completely change. And for some of us this is about us recognizing where we thought we had forgiven, or at least made peace with, the things done to us in the past, when in reality that victimhood still surfaces more often than we’d like.

It surfaces in the projection we add to conversations of gossip and vain bullshit. It surfaces when we are around other energy who is seeking to be validated. We all siphon each other with nothing to really give. Until you decide to stop. Until you decide to face the truth and release the weight.

And this eclipse wants us to cut cords with the victimhood and external validation. There is a destiny in your soul. There is something larger you’re meant for, and there will be people who call you selfish and arrogant for daring to believe in your destiny. Believe in it anyway.

Release them of their own opinion by not allowing it to influence your actions. They will influence your emotions, but if you control your emotions they don’t turn into hasty, self-sabotaging reactions. So while the eclipses are taking place in the signs of we versus me take advantage of it.

Learn to assert yourself in kind ways. Learn to discover where the shadow in you is still having too much reign. Work through any shame or imposter syndrome or anxiety that arises by growing your tolerance for sitting in those things with self-reassurance. You can do hard things.

I will be updating the weekly astrology for Monday, March 25th through Sunday, March 31st (Happy Easter). So keep a look out for that.

For those who would like to help us stay afloat as we battle the various health issues and shocks that have come into our life I do have tip jars below, as well as the Go Fund Me.

Thank you for all your love and support.







Adjust Your Sails

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd