Batten down the Hatches: Astrology Forecast for August 12th~18th
Funny how just today Liz and I did an episode about Jupiter in Gemini, and how to keep your faith in the face of daunting reality. One of the things I said is that you cannot possibly say yes to everything. And then I leave her house and have to say no to a few things.
No is hard for some of us. If you’re like me you tend to naturally run on everyone else’s time table and don’t want to disappoint them. So, you say yes to everything, fill with bitterness and resentment, and then project that onto the people asking so much of you. When if you had just said no in the first place everything would have been fine.
I’ve learned this pretty well now. And thankfully everyone I love hasn’t pushed back too much. If I have the energy and it’s something important to you then I’m on board. But it has to be reciprocal. I am no longer willing to bleed myself dry for people.
I have am responsible for any resentment I feel, so when I say no it’s because if I say yes I’m going to hold you against you later, and have a bunch of shit to sort through. I may as well skip all of that and just work through how hard it was to say no in that moment, and the fears that because I said no you will abandon me. Either way it’s the same work.
Last week I explained that we needed to hold steady, but this week the storm is closer than ever. It’s time to batten down the hatches, my friends. The next couple weeks are the toughest we’ve seen yet this year. And you can do hard things. You can be stoic and grounded on the outside, while struggling like nobody’s business on the inside. We got this.
The blog prior to the holding steady spoke of the calm before the storm. And how it’s the storm itself that needs you to remain calm. It’s the ability to be the most self-aware in the room amid absolute chaos. Your ability to lead yourself is what will help you lead others.
And I would highly encourage you to listen to the episode we released today. Let it resonate and permeate your energy, so that you can keep the faith in spite of whatever goes down. Let us walk you through empowerment in real time with real life examples and imperfection.
Subscribe and watch next week’s episode, where we break down the energy of Virgo. Our final episode this month will be about how to cultivate healthy habits without taking everything on at once. We’re excited for you to subscribe and comment to be entered into the drawing!
Monday, August 12th:
Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces at 17 degrees
A 20 degree Scorpio half or crescent Moon
Moon in Scorpio square the Sun in Leo at 20 degrees
We start the next chapter stewing in our emotions, ready for a transformation. The Moon rules Monday and is in her fall in Scorpio. This can have us feeling resentful. I think the trine to Saturn in Pisces is asking us to go within. To understand what it means to take real personal responsibility. Because it’s not what we’ve been taught.
If someone around you loses their shit it’s not personal. In that moment when they can’t control their emotions, they are a four year old wounded version of themselves, and when you match their energy? You become their twin, and are also 4 years old. That kind of reflection doesn’t serve anyone involved. It certainly won’t make them take you seriously.
There could be a necessary ego check on Monday. If we react with resentment, bitterness, or frustration it can lead us to more problems. We cannot force changes. The crescent Moon encourages us not to stew in our emotions, but to understand and process them. Stop bypassing that in-between time meant to stabilize you.
If you’re used to forcing things to work good luck. Saturn is correcting us back into the flow every time. The blockage is your refusal to make yourself responsible for how you deal with what you feel. And subtle feelings could arise that you should be aware of on Monday.
Not everyone will appreciate your growth and transformation. So I caution you in everything from road rage to relationship rage don’t go off half-cocked. Cam White says Monday is a day of instant karma. So don’t worry about what everyone is doing, and chase them around. I highly encourage you to handle all situations with care.
Just after midnight the Moon goes opposite Uranus. And this is the instant karma Cam was speaking on. It plays out into Tuesday.
Tuesday, August 13th:
Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus 27 degrees
Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces 29 degrees
Moon moves into Sagittarius
Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius 0 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius square Mercury Rx in Virgo 1 degree
I think we went to bed on Monday shocked by something that happened before the end of the day. We seem to wake up deluding ourselves that what we feel is real. As the Moon moves into Sagittarius we are feeling a bit more optimistic about things. We have no idea what is to come.
By 8 am EST we face the consequences of idealizing a situation. Watch the stories you tell yourself today. Liz and I have said it so many times, but what you tell yourself matters. If you can’t be honest and authentic with yourself how can you ever expect to attract honest and authentic relationships?
With the Moon in Sagittarius we can become rather self-righteous and dogmatic. Demanding people do things our way. Perhaps others place ultimatums on us. We just want to have fun and be optimistic, but there is someone around us, or a situation we’re dealing with, that is making that difficult. Part of us could feel like fleeing the entire situation.
I promise if you move too fast you will regret it. You will miss an important detail and have to start from scratch. It’s a good day to focus on controlling our impulses. To aim your intentions with purpose and maturity.
Wednesday, August 14th:
Moon in Sagittarius squares Venus in Virgo 11 degrees
Mars conjunct Jupiter in Gemini 16 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter in Gemini 16 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius opposes Mars in Gemini 16 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius squares Saturn in Pisces 17 degrees
Mercury Rx moves back into Leo
This is the day where it all blows up in our faces. Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury, and Mercury is moving back into Leo. If you haven’t been honest, authentic, and carried yourself with integrity it is known. You can’t fool most people; especially those closest to you.
People around you could make you feel judged. You could be in a judgmental mood yourself. There is tension between where one person wants to go next, and the one who has take care of the details. Fights and arguments could erupt. I’d watch the collective scale and moves on the war they’ve speaking about with Iran. Tech and AI disruptions.
If you pretend nothing is wrong and shove down feelings again it will blow up in your face. That’s just creating a longer fuse to an even bigger bomb. You’re so frustrated with blockages and delays, but refusing to understand how it works. You’re not yet aligned. You’re still missing something.
Some of us are going to want to go, go, and go. And the rest of us are going to say, “Wait, have you thought about this?” And if we don’t stop and consider whatever that is we will not like the results. It’s a day to be extremely intentional, not impulsive and brash.
Jupiter is the planet of faith and expansion. He doesn’t do as well in Gemini, but he is still a benefic planet. What can you tell yourself to find your way back to the faith you need to have in yourself and the Universe? Because that’s what I want you listening to right now.
Thursday, August 15th:
Moon in Sagittarius trines the Sun in Leo 22 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces 29 degrees
Moon in Sagittarius squares Mercury Rx in Leo 29 degrees
Moon moves into Capricorn
There is something I want you to keep in mind. All of this difficult energy is happening in mostly mutable signs. This lets us know that the key to overcoming it is to be adaptable. Today’s caution is don’t be overly confident. You may feel great about how something was solved, but end up confused by other people’s reactions or another reality check.
You are feeling slightly optimistic and still wanting to rush into something head first, but you’re still missing something. This energy works in cycles, and it’s not the point in the cycle to make a fast move. There is something still not aligned with you.
We so often get mad at the Universe asking haven’t we done enough, but the Universe is never punishing us. See, a huge part of me feels like I should be further than I am, but if you could only see where I once was. So much of what I’ve manifested is literally in my life, and the Universe is only waiting for me to show genuine gratitude and align further.
Friday, August 12th:
Mars in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces 17 degrees
Moon in Capricorn trines Venus in Virgo 13 degrees
Moon in Capricorn sextiles Saturn in Pisces 17 degrees
Here is the secret to surviving Friday, don’t consider your next ten steps, or the end goal. Just focus on the next step. Capricorn represents our legacy and the hard work it takes to build a sturdy foundation. The Moon in Capricorn is in her detriment. Great for remaining stoic.
Mars square Saturn is putting it in your face. You still have work to do on the current level, and won’t be seeing the next one until it’s done. It’s a good day to realize what you can’t control and what you can. It’s a time to prioritize your life because everything you do now has long-term ripples.
And you cannot do it all.
Mars in Gemini is passionate about ideas. Saturn in Pisces is demanding emotional maturity and inner alignment. The tension is something you can dissolve if you simply create that foundation within you. If you can convince yourself you’re going to be okay no matter what.
The entire world is falling apart, but you do not have to. And I think we end Friday feeling pretty good about where we’re at. With the Moon sextile Venus relationships don’t feel perfect, but there is an ease in working things out. And her sextile to her host, Saturn, helps us commit to that emotional maturity and inner alignment we are being asked for.
Saturday, August 17th:
Moon in Capricorn trine Uranus in Taurus 27 degrees
Moon in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces 29 degrees
Moon enters Aquarius
Moon in Aquarius conjunct Pluto in Aquarius 0 degrees
Saturday is the epiphany. It’s a beautiful melding of the spiritual and material worlds. We’re able to healthily detach from our emotions, and allow them to transform us in huge ways. We can stop focusing so much on the problem, and use our energy to decide how we handle the problem.
You could be absolutely terrified, and absolutely certain at the same time. You have to face the fear. It isn’t going anywhere. The sooner you move forward in spite of it the sooner it stops controlling your life.
Sunday, August 18th:
Mercury Rx in Leo forms a 2nd square to Uranus in Taurus 27 degrees
Sun and Mercury come together in Cazimi at 26 Leo
Moon in Aquarius trines Jupiter in Gemini 17 degrees
Look back to what was happening in the Leo and Taurus area of your chart around July 21st, give or take a few days on either side. Because here it comes again. You want something in the tangible world to change, but you’re holding back your authenticity or lacking integrity.
We have all of these pre-conceived notions and ideas, but are we considering the integrity in them? As we see the Mercury Cazimi, and he dives into the heart of the Sun, he is reborn. He will form this square one more time on September 7th. The cycle isn’t over.
I think we end the day feeling weird about our relationship to our faith. But somehow it’s easier to keep our faith. We are emotionally invested in the whole tribe, and want to expand through communication. So it’s a great night to have that conversation you’ve been putting off.
The one that is building all the resentment you’re harboring within. Again, the Universe is always waiting on you. What you want already exists. You just have to walk in authenticity and integrity to bring it into your reality.
I appreciate every single tip. They are always appreciated, and never expected. Thank you so much for believing in my message. ❤
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