Authenticity and a Capricorn New Moon

Inner Self Council
6 min readDec 31, 2024


Today we had a New Moon in Capricorn at 9 degrees. Capricorn represents the foundation and structure. Consider that Capricorn is a feminine sign, and the feminine doesn’t build; she believes.

It is your core beliefs about yourself, what you deserve, the world in general, that will make or break the life you’re building. It will determine if you can even attract it to your life to begin with, and if you get that far, whether or not you will sabotage it because of false beliefs.

If the feminine state is non-action and Capricorn is a feminine sign it stands to reason that the foundation is within. And the feminine receives because she knows she is worthy to do so. This New Moon make a pact to overcome your self-limiting beliefs. To act as if until you feel as if.

This New Moon is asking you to plant seeds of intention around your worthiness. To learn how to sit in uncomfortable emotions and use logic and emotional intelligence to navigate it. To build your tolerance to the discomfort that changing your life is going to take.

And the story is much longer than this New Moon. Remember when Venus was chasing Mars last time she was in Leo? And then suddenly, she stopped. She began to retreat from him. To reconsider her motivations. She went Rx July 22, 2023 and stationed direct September 3rd.

What was going on in your life at that time? Because the feminine was learning to stop chasing the masculine. She looked at this desire to be validated externally, and recognized it for the illusion it’s always been.

Venus’ cycle is a beautiful one. She finally teamed up with Mars on February 21, 2024 at six degrees Aquarius. So the masculine had gone on without her, but was slowed down a bit. She caught up eventually.

And in Aquarius this is about mutual respect. It’s about understanding that real love doesn’t possess. It allows freedom to come and to go. It doesn’t force. It aligns. There is a beautiful interdependence in Aquarius.

Currently Venus is back in Aquarius, almost done with her stay there. And this time Mars is Rx in the opposite sign of Leo. What’s interesting is that when Venus and Mars came together back in February it was 6 Aquarius. And Mars stationed Rx on December 6th at 6 degrees of Leo.

This is the feminine teaching the masculine that he deserves to be aligned, too. That he is not responsible to simply provide and protect. That he is actually worthy of expressing his feelings and providing emotional safety by leading the way. It’s not might makes right. Be tapped into your own soul. Stop trying to fit in and settle where you belong.

We are still in this cycle, but it’s one that is demanding absolute honesty. I mean vulnerable, walls ripped down, raw and gritty truth. And as Mars moves back into Cancer we are reflecting on family karma. This is so in line with this New Moon in Capricorn.

Cancer is opposite the sign of Capricorn. Mars is in fall in Cancer, while he would be exalted in Capricorn. So the masculine may be feeling vulnerable, weak, or somehow exposed. Everyone in your life right now is serving as a mirror for your self-respect.

And if the reflection isn’t sitting right with you that’s up to you to change. You do not have to fully believe you’re worthy to align with the knowing that all are worthy, and you’re part of all. To make a decision in spite of the doubts and the fears that is aligned with self-respect and integrity.

If you have children I am especially talking to you. The children you’re raising grow up and remember. They don’t listen to what you say. They are watching what you do. And if you do it afraid so will they.

So as Mars traverses his way through Cancer don’t complain about it. Confront the shit that comes up for you. Look at the way you were raised and understand that your parents were once children who learned what they lived, and that’s what was projected onto you.

Then recognize that until recently it was so taboo to mention you struggled. To have children who were seen and not heard was the standard. And sometimes even when we know better we don’t do better. It’s not because you don’t deserve an apology. It’s because they can’t face their own shame.

You have to release it. You have to reparent yourself. You have to learn new beliefs that say you’re worthy and deserving of love and respect that is natural. That you do not and will not beg for the bare minimum. You then start making choices aligned with the version of you that you want to be.

And if you make one step toward the Universe it makes ten toward you.

Energy flows where intention goes, my friends. And you are energy. You will never die. We only ever transform. And so much of what stops you is the belief that abudance and goodness is for other people; not you.

It’s for you, too. Your worth never left. It’s always within you waiting for you to claim it. And if you decide today you are worthy who can convince you otherwise unless you let them?

You teach by example. Your relationship to yourself is so important. You have to stop abandoning your values and integrity for the illusion of acceptance and belonging that never comes. Please don’t do that.

I could write a list of things that didn’t go my way today, but so much felt so good. Loved coming home after a stressful day to hold my grandson, give him snacks, and watch superhero dinosaurs on my computer. Loved shopping for vision board stuff with Jazzy.

Loved when I got some creamer for a cup of coffee because the two I had earlier were black; yuck. I love how peaceful and quiet it is in the room I just cleaned. The way you learn to trust the process when you’re intentional about learning how to trust the process.

One day left of 2024. The year I suddenly and drastrically changed my life in the eyes of many, but no one else had to be privy to what was happening behind closed doors. It felt much more gradual to the those of us who were.

And more than ever I’ve learned to judge less, to forgive more, and to just make myself responsible for how I feel. And I choose to soak in the small moments and be so grateful for them, which I believe leads to more in my life to be grateful for. Being responsible for how you feel is everything.

Sometimes that means taking a giant leap. Don’t be so afraid of the unknown that you settle for the familiar ache of selling your soul for acceptance and belonging that will never come.

If you’re going to bet on someone let it be yourself. The more you align your beliefs the better your life gets. It’s that simple and that complex.

Stay tuned for a pick a card reading for 2025!

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Inner Self Council
Inner Self Council

Written by Inner Self Council

You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors. ― Andrew Boyd

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